scenes I .. There are two that do down. .. Is my child ...
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Before the scene.
Paul, the son of John and Catherine tries his hand to overcome the border in the west to be with his parents.
He flees his pioneering education in a children's home, roams the streets looking for food when his piano teacher Lavinia Kellerman finds him and takes up with them spontaneously.
Lavinia persuades Paul to go with him in one of the houses vacated by tenants border with windows front directly back to the Western Region. Lavinia plays the companion of the pioneer Paul, who is on behalf of the party to thank the border guards for their work.
The two manage to go unnoticed in the upper floors of the house to arrive. On the ground floor and first floor windows have been bricked up. Addition, there is no coming, only the windows on the second floor are still accessible.
Lavinia and Paul wait on the second floor hidden until it is dark.
you will not actually discovered.
John and Catherine had to go see her son in the afternoon to the house and leave the place.
All the time they are just beyond the barbed wire and watch over the house, where they know their son.
the scene.
evening. It is dark.
Paul goes to the window and sits on the windowsill, his legs dangling down already, as Cathy tries from below to give her son characters. She pulls himself together, reduced their gesture language into unremarkable.
Hans secured with anxious eyes to the border police before he dares to look up to his son. He laughs briefly.
Now that something is moving, hope can be filled, Hans' previously seemingly empty shell again with himself, his will be me. He wins very quickly substance is there, begins to act.
few steps take him to a police officer. He speaks softly.
There are two that do down.
... is my child.
The policeman responded presence of mind. He remains motionless, inconspicuous, but asks awake, alert and quick:
Hans suppress his excitement, very quietly and gestenarm:
Since behind me, on the second floor.
The policeman takes a discreet view of the place, recognizes the situation and goes for a
... wait ...
A second policeman secures West with an uneasy look the Ostgrenzpolizisten. We also take a look over to see three guards there. You have notice anything.
Close Hans.
We see him from behind. He walks away from us. Even in those few moments, as we only his back see, we notice he looks like a man who just expected any time a blow to the neck.
The policeman agreed on radio phone the fire department.
.. twenty-four to one, twenty-four to one ...(...) ... but very quickly ...
we hear.
Hans to Catherine:
The pick someone. I believe, the fire department.
Paul sits at the top on the window sill of the second floor, approximately. ten meters above the ground, his legs still dangling outside. His Mother means nothing to him
jump ....
Paul waits. wait all the policemen, passers-by, Hans, Katharina. Unfortunately
look more and more highly of people around to Paul. The eyes of the onlookers grab the attention of border guards also on the job.
We are close behind Catherine and Hans. We see them up to the second floor.
not jump ... ...
Catherine repeated softly.
We see Paul as a small silhouette against the lighted room background.
your jump Dared Not him. whispered Catherine.
now stand around, eleven spectators, all look up to Paul.
Paul gives his mother a sign that he understood them.
On the east side at the border guards . You want to smoke. The one on the other hand, Give
me one time.
Na jez catch 's slowly to keep the foot is about time.
We're already seeing a total of seven eastern border policemen and soldiers. They smoke, a look through the barbed wire fence over to the people in the West.
He erlauert that something is wrong. People behave in a conspicuous deviance.
subjective view through the eyes of the border guards. He sees Hans. And even Hans' eyes to his son is the one who draws the attention of the eastern border to the hot spot.
undertone The soldier shit, man
lot Alert! Give alarm man!
already shouting the police commands.
Paul at the top. He looks at Lavinia.
The siren begins to wail repetitive.
The couple further hopes to win the race against time. John is excited, worried, frightened, looks around.
In the room with Paul and Lavinia. try
Lavinia tries to push furniture against the door to save time when entering the border guards.
The chest is too low to block the door handle.
The soldiers have Door reaches . Screams from outside. Paul is still sitting on the windowsill. The fire department comes and does not come.
The men begin to pursue the door, Lavinia has, however, is crying to Paul
Stay at the window, stay at the window!
Paul does not obey, he rises from the window sill, will help Lavinia.
We back down to the parents.
We see what they can see that Paul disappears from the window.
behind John and Catherine are now about twenty, thirty passersby. Hans is afraid, still holds his wife by the shoulder, it holds.
top of the room.
screams. The policemen shouting that they should open the door.
The door bursts under the continuing shock of a fire ax.
insert on hands and feet of the two in the room, we see how their power is not enough that their feet are pressed together with the dresser across the floor backwards.
The two can not keep the dresser.
Lavinia crashed.
A border guard of the door is furious blows with their rifle butts.
He enters the door. Paul runs to the window, Lavinia screaming at him ...
We do not understand but Paul chooses in his panic to seek shelter in Lavinia, he runs over to her, clutching it, fear.
The door gives way.
More than ten border guards penetrate, aim your guns at the crying woman and the boy.
The escape attempt failed.
Our last look up here in the room drops to Lavinia and Paul. Lavinia Paul holds close to her, over her shoulder we see the frightened children view.
in from outside the window.
approaching the black silhouette of a border guard and closes the window sash.
We front of John and Catherine . They stop to look up to the window. Behind them, drives up the fire department, police car with a big head.
Catherine was still shocked rigid.
Hans empty black look is already there, where he will find his son
of nowhere.
He turns around and walks slowly through the people away from the spot. He disappears from view.
The camera goes into the bird's eye view over the heads of the people.
We hear the voice over the speaker.
The Kuhlkes waited -
.... even when it became clear that they do not see her son would.
.... As they led their lives on, they waited.
Like so many.
you twenty-eight years, two months and twenty-eight waited days.
Then the wall fell.
.... and when they met again, they were
- - -
2006-2007 Heino Ferch - Hans Kuhlke, Inka Friedrich - Katharina Kuhlke, Iris Berben - Lavinia Kellermann, Axel Prahl - Erwin Sawatzke,
Frederick Lau - Paul Kuhlke, Wilfried Hochholdinger - Horst Kling game (educators in the socialist spirit) , Markus Boysen - lawyer Dr. Hanno of Krampnitz