Saturday, December 20, 2008

Amature Surgeon Xmas App

Finally! On the one side. Too bad ... on the other side. But the break is now really time necessary. After 12 weeks without break, except weekends, I'm something of glad about s few days off!
Let's see how those who spend. Since we already falls one was:) Too bad
is wait, that already is at the time. And I'll be damned, where as soon hingerant is ...
And what is even more unfortunate, is the pair of us en net more are there. Our missionary family flew to England on Friday. Unfortunately se net go to these outreach. First, because the children and others want to se a "holiday" to make at home. As missionaries, the two really ham net from home a lot. And therefore I think enough outreach. But we will miss se quite beautiful ....
When we came here was the little boy (4) had something of shy, but after s few weeks rumgekaspert always with us and played. And the little girl (2) has not said a word and could barely stand on their feet. And now everywhere around gymnastics se, makes us all cheerfully babbles nonsense and cheerful by:) - crap. Mer may be in en few weeks usually quite nice anenander ... Since then
are yet few en tear flowed on Friday.

Did this week ne small Planaenderung. Normally, en come teachers from Egypt, but for some reason is dat went wrong. Well. Occurs. Ashraf says that comes at least 1x per DTS, now and then even more often before:) But Unusual is still nothing, because he has simply made the teaching itself. Enough experience hatter ja:)
topic was Pieonierarbeit and a lot about Islam and Muslims. So a lot of background info about Islam and Mohammed's own chamber, and how talking to Muslims. For example, the topics should anscheiden mer by no means, or what to say under no circumstances mer, mer when talking with NEM Muslim, because it comes pretty stupid if mer wants to talk to someone about Jesus and the offense out of ignorance or something. Or questions / accusations, which will provide a one presumably Muslim, or where Jesus is everywhere appears in the Koran. Dat was for me et astounding. The Koran is divided into various suras, almost everything that the basic message of the Gospel ausmachet! Since kricht mer to the door but net!
have And also get recommended s pretty good book on the subject, where is all that combined interesting and important is in there. Unfortunately, I have the exact data to it (malwieder) forgotten in the school>: (
Ashraf will in any case ask me, if the good piece has been translated into German, or if it's only in English are

is otherwise now. first chilled and then prepare everything for the outreach. And we probably only fly with Cyprus Air and Egypt Air Daaaanke then sir! Not me Aethiopian Air! Because I would have then boarding but well thought out. Nathan is flown schonmal with colleagues and probably discourage net in front of the wing patch back to do with Duck Tape! No gemoje there!

Sun I'll get out again present "home". Have
namely hunger and perhaps look who still nen film on Brian's laptop. Ham us anyway today again well stocked with Knabberkram. Dat is on the Turkish side of the market here pretty cheap. Only cheese, milk and meat can bring mer net over the border. (Because some ham en EU rules against
dat And what stuff looks so delicious!! (
A lucky this time Elijah has his VISA stuff Sally! The last time was his Long-term Aufenthaltserlaubniss for Cyprus were net through. So that the blast was almost illegal here and we stood with him on the Turkish side and wanted items, to Cyprus. And the fact that Palaestinaenser is making, so net ne situation even more relaxed;)
But is everything went well. The border had s good day. Thank God!

Then you soon again!
Your Captain Chaos!

Sunday, December 14, 2008

Can You Oovoo With Macbook Camera ?

meal break!

Following is the word for Sunday.
Or rather, the novel to the week on Sunday.
producer, contributing parties, directing, editing and lighting - I am.
Whoever else

No. I'm not bored.
Quite the opposite!
The week was again robust. On the one hand, because our teacher this week had been on Friday to leave tomorrow and we are therefore all in 4 had to pack up instead of 5 days (which is not to say we did on Friday then nothing. Alternatives's always) and partly because the material was malwieder great . (Lehrstoff. For all have ne corrupt imagination!)

topic this week was "Church Planting". Unfortunately, I can think of for grad ma no sane German term. Because municipal net somehow fits so 100% ig ...
is roughly speaking, the same basis as our mini-group concept:) Just a little more extensive and deeper. But that the basic principle is the same like me pretty:)

Our teacher this week has been living over 10 years as a missionary in the vicinity of Jerusalem. But not in the Israeli part, but in the West Bank or West Bank, so the Palaestinaensergebieten. So nice safe places like Bethlehem and Ramallah, with almost 99.5% Muslim population, and often rather lead-containing air.
This is also (just where's call again into the memory, which may be wondering now) the reason why I call here on the blog name and almost never in this case not even the country from which he hails. For those who live in those areas and work primarily as a missionary for that is quite dangerous.
It would not be the first case, the fundamentalists names and images etc. in connection with Mission are on private blog's websites and yelled googled and people left because of such stupid things in prison, was deported, or have lost their lives.
So ne s environment is pretty glaring patch for Mission, but also because isses necessary. Although those who work there and the people there proclaim Jesus risking much. But it's important. God loves these people nunmal just like you, too. In recent years more and more Muslims come to Christ through dreams and visions and even apart from that, many are fed up with what is running there. Are you disappointed by Islam, and even in Saudi Arabia and Iran, which is the absolute heart of the Islamic world, more and more people come to Jesus, even if there is no mission possible, because there on a mission quite simply, the death penalty. One of our guys here and his brother have to hide from her own father because he would otherwise kill wurede wahrscheilich because they believe in Jesus ....
I'm here just a set of testimony of a former Muslim who has converted to an incredible way to Jesus. Me personally skin's around!
evidence of this kind are unfortunately only possible if the ones they give to submerge it, or emigrate ....
The video is unfortunately only in English. But even if your English is net of firecrackers,'s look at you.


and search for "witt ness" and "Muslim" is still a lot more. But I have except this one has not seen.
But despite all this, most are NOT fundamentalist nutcase, which kill every Christian and want to destroy the West. It's people like you and me. And just like in a few extreme 3.Reich bring it ready to present themselves as a majority, because they just yell louder and intimidated them and run along the real majority to force, or quite simply dazzling because it is the only "truth" It tells ... Unfortunately, fear is a powerful weapon ....

Otherwise this week was not particularly busy, due to lack of time. I 've done it in 2 days s grad ma bit of sport to make, to prevent the Plautz;) food is to take it easy:) But I think that will be soon in Uganda again. A week or two diarrhea act as a miracle!
However, we're a little closer to the capital Kampala tuned than we thought. 16 or 60km is still s small difference! This sounds much more like normal toilets and flexi shower:) But who knows!
And we had a really good time of prayer for our use down there. With all the trimmings. Some encouragement and nervous as a strong warning that Satan is the best will not fit, we go down there. So we can really use your prayers well. We go to 'his' playground and are therefore not welcome ...
But our Dad has been doing this! Finally we are and because of me Jesus on the road and not with the quilt club.
I steal your words again Claudia:)
"My God is great!" Speaking of food ...

if I'm not closing, is vinegar with dinner!
tschoeoeo So! For technical reasons only oe.
you soon!
sooo many dear greetings and blessings from our NEN big daddy!
your Splissmeister!

PS: I'll give my best Christmas crying net:) So enjoy it! It is by God s gift to us, and gifts should adopt mer grateful. Or?

Saturday, December 6, 2008

Are You Usually Dry Before Period

sprint Lecture phase

Da simmer again.
Hat again took two weeks to find ne gap. Well. Is net altogether. Last Saturday I would have had time, but I was so done by the week, I had net really want me to go into the cafe and what to write. Schonmal happened:)
And with the cooking for dinner is mentioned my schedule's like so pretty inefficient. In order to rewrite's nice sometimes;)
But anyway: my one's fine. What is no excuse for you to stop praying em! ;)

I have no idea where the last two weeks have gone. With each week that I am here the time goes faster. And I can still net's really believe in 2 weeks, the lecture phase and Christmas is already around!
One thing is certain in any case, times, God is kind of true to us, I can actually believe's garnet. Although sometimes simply not enough time to spend enough time alone with Jesus and read His Word to speak to him, Will he not fall.
I would be crazy at home with the schedule and so little free time. But here it works somehow. And strangely, I'm not worried about our great outreach and so on. True to the motto: Our dad does it matter:)
Somehow, he made sure that everyone (even our boys and girls from the Palaestinaensergebieten and Jordan) get their visas for the half year and the passports with visa's for Uganda also auf'm way back. (The ham unfortunately no message here, and who therefore had to send all the passes to France.)
dat with vaccinations and has so far worked out quite well. (Galbfieber typhoid and hepatitis A. is still and there's no malaria vaccine. On the other hand who have to take tablets all the time) and Ashkan Only Brian's was torn on the last weekend of. Ashkan looked at Saturday and Sunday as her for a pretty unsuccessful campaign against NEN trucks and Brian has been lying for 4 days completely flat. The rest has it all coped well. If
who "luck" have who get the plane tickets pretty cheap and even have one or two day stay in Cairo. Sowat dat would be awesome! I want to see Cairo! I want to see Cairo!

Sure I miss home 'm alts times and in any case any of you gone, but I never regret it not, I listen to God and have down here. God is outside of the lectures much good auf'm curriculum for me and I'm just just landed in the right corner.
learn the things I should and must do experience I had with God and men, friends of the chamber learns about here .......
before last week who had "piety" and last week, "Holy Spirit and spiritual gifts" on em program. Was both simple ne great time, and what we have learned is malwieder gelern and gold. Make a will perhaps wonder why I never really here what to write about the content of the lectures. Is quite simple: I have no Know how to break down clearly on one level, without causing misunderstandings. And I have at the moment is not necessarily the time and nerve ne sermon to write:)
The two teachers are a couple. And if the chamber has seen, can really believe dat mer net. Heba is the order in person and could work just as well as de ne manager for German Maedcheninternat. But lovable in its own way:) And Mohib is the complete opposite. celebrated)

ham who before last week (thanks to our Ami's here) sometimes traditional beautiful Thanksgiving: Chaotic, funny, with ner rather troubled past and a gemuetsmensch grooooossen with NEM appetite. With all the trimmings. Turkey, mashed potatoes, apple pie, and and and ... (Not only) my stomach the pain threshold was reached, but it was soooooo good:) And this week
ham ne who again had little celebration. So is traditional here, do that at the beginning of the lecture-time employees for the students ne ceremony and at the end of the skewer is turned over. Problem here: We have 140 € budget for decor, drinks and food for 38 people. Yahooo ..! As is required ingenuity. Ham ne nice little themed party made out of it: Pirates and Greeks. This was, however, also be for Outfitter's. Mer and can make a lot of old clothes from the 2nd-hand shop, the chamber is simply destroyed:) I think none of us has spent more than 4 € for his costume. Harrrrr! I think we could as really go through when we run up in the port:) Technically, our food has
kitchencrew even surpassed. Haenchen with ner-fruits herbs and chilli sauce, rice with raisins, black beans with coconut and yoghurt. Caribbean pirates then. Mjam!

the outreach times are also pretty good at the moment. We do Wednesday evening Praise and Worship at busy squares and make s short theatrical piece. And then we just talk with people who are there. I believe, however, soon half of Cyprus consists of foreign students, refugees and migrant workers. In the city of Nicosia, we meet mostly people from India, Bangladesh, Nepal, Sri Lanka, from any corner of the Arab world, and God knows where. And Guys talk pretty happy with us. However, is it quite helpful to some of us grew up as Muslims and have been converted to Jesus later, when we talk with Muslims.
But this is mixed quite colorful. Muslims, Hindus, Sigh, Buddhists and no idea what else.
Some have already heard of Jesus, and know one or the other of the gospel, and some may have heard the name Jesus degree views. The strangest thing of all
was the one of the guys soon in the U.S. is about to NEM Christian College to study, on which one studied by our guys. And the gutste is not a Christian. Sigh or Hindu, I think. I think the two were en real good conversation.
John has indeed schonmal NEN floor in the A. .... but his heart's exactly where it belongs. And reach out to people and zero problems with which Strack speak out about Jesus.

The week was otherwise quite tight, because we have prepared every spare moment in the ceremony. And I'm pretty happy, which is now the weekend. Today
ham who once took a small tour de shopping center outside the city. 20min. Bus with em, but it is considerably cheaper than in town! And Rana wanted to get something in IKEA. This is confusing. IKEA is in the right chamber as in victory. And mer comes out and is in Cyprus. And if mer turns in the front door is at home in the district's / Cyprus / home / Cyprus / home / Cyprus ..... :) All the hot dogs thing mer can forget her. Roest no onions, no sauce and no hamburger pickles! This is not a hot dog! It's getting here otherwise confusing. It all starts aufzufahren Christmas and all, but it is just too warm for it! Although much is cooled down, but still nothing that would mer associate with December and Christmas. And ne palm with Christmas lights nu really weird! The fatal
of shopping centers, however, the chamber is always on ideas of what could buy everything mer. But eat a) as is the bulging wallet nunmal net and b) everything must be purchased and net mer mer yes Disturbing home. And the space in the suitcase is limited.

Sun Dat was once again the word Sunday on Saturday.
the interval I so schonmal von 3 auf 2 Wochen runter gebrochen. Vielleicht krieg ich's ja auf eine gedruckt :)
Bis bald dann mal!
Gruss und Segen, euer Splissmeister!

P.S.: En paar Leute ham mich nach der Adress hier unten gefragt, um ne Karte oder so zu schicken: Alexander Schnell, YWAM Nicosia, PO Box 24454, PC 1701 Nicosia Cyprus

P.P.S.: Vermiss euch alle und bete kraeftig fuer euch! Und 1000 dank fuer jedes Gebet von euch!!!

Friday, November 21, 2008

Is Colgate Soothe N Seal Discontinued

so then ....

Nachdem ich ma grad schlappe 3 Wochen net online war, kann ich jetz endlich mal wieder was von mir geben. War nicht so geplant, aber hat sich so ergeben :)
Irgendwie ist die Zeitplanung ziemlich ******.
Meiner einer ist naemlich now classified's for dinner. Dat is indeed in and of itself to that easily because I cook dat bit out war, but misery is dat, so dat I'm from 5-7am clamped. And if dat normal program will end by 4 clock, and actually every night at 8 program is again remains to net a lot of time. An hour is really enough net to go to internet cafe and there s little to write about. A line is at least 20 minutes. tight go. - A lucky now dat Chinese again. Dat is much closer.

Tjoa .... What could be enough to mention ... What

net was as real building, that was my grandpa died.
Such was the net really a surprise, because he already make for quite a time no more could, after his Schag, but I've been hoping that I see again en again.
And now I can not even be at the funeral, or my Ma ...
will miss him real, even though I know that it em better now ...

The Lectures are either all in all better from week to week, or I mean this only because I settle myself more and more:) The week before last who had
Ashraf here. Theme was relationships, etc. So net only man / woman / marriage, but also relationship with God, parents, friends .... just everything. Ne was really great week in terms of Lectures.
who then had three Ami's here. "God's kingdom." Ok dat, I was so clever now, net of stools, was good for some s Was linked to better understand. So, from Adam to the end. And the guys were otherwise good shape. But that right picture-Ami's from Texas. As mer se em out Fernsehn presents ;)))))
This week ham who Bas here. En-bred Hollaender:) theme: identity in Jesus + healing. Dat is de ma again completely different caliber! The
Gutste then has to be related to some yet so en table, which chew mer ne first time swallow well and then must vigorously. But that's supposed to be. I'm here to listen to, net wat I know anyway.

Last week was packed ewas, because who should do additionally ne Character Study. Fool me and I have chosen David Koenig. "Stupid is the one who does stupid "Mama Gump would have just said;) net and who knows why, should look up for fun times, there is to read all about King David: In 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1 Kings and Chronicles -.. . Enjoy That's it free with the weekend
I would have had better Jona taken

And Jackie "hates" Mona a bit, because we teach Mona alts Arabic names of animals and mer drive so beautiful junk and can raise people,..)) )
Gamussa = Wasserbueffel / Batta = duck / Bachara = cow / Azad = Loewe

And the Community Creates grows here along better and better. Ok, the better mer learns to know, the more likely rumbles sometimes, but when mer dat net smolder can be dat clarify whatsoever.

ABVV week had again ne who nice action. The pump from the fountain was broken and so is water = 0
was again the motto: "Is it yellow, it is mellow, it is brown, flush it down";)
And then dat beast indeed be exchanged. What this means so much to consider, such as pipe with 40m cable and pump at the other end, hand vertically from NEM hole in the ground. Ouch. My back.
Well. Has passed.

pictures can I unfortunately still do not make it: (
Dat is unfortunately in an internet cafe here so easy .... net

But at least now we know where the outreach is out:) is
's probably just after Christmas via Cairo Uganda.
Somewhere within 60km from the capital.
know who else but closer net. So what who do exactly who and where there are, etc. But Genoa is dat in the next 1-2 weeks, term I think.
'm going to keep going but auf'm.

Sunday and now I'll get out on to beautiful Hattim. As is men-namely-night dinner. Schoen auf'm covered with barbecue:) Is
while en perfectly ordinary high-rise with rooftop devices, but mer can look beautiful for the city.

When the entire can complement hoeffentlich soon!
you soon times!
Your Captain Chaos, the chaos of the South!

PS: I hope done by the transport links here ***** will be best;)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Es Footwear What It Means

And again I want ne new week

Tjoa ....
I sit back and think about what I write for this week:) But
diesma'm smarter and I read that stuff before. Is indeed quite in acid wordpad, MS Word gets used if mer is, but what the heck. I'm glad that I at all what did:)

This week was really awesome. Our teacher this week was David Painting and theme was the life of Jesus and en bit more detail what He has done everything and all that. It was really awesome, because it has much more background knowledge, eg the political, cultural and social added. If everything in the chamber's image does pay attention to details and understand what Jesus did and some mer mer previously observed garnet has really. And the man is brilliant ne way it to a short text about the chamber may read about it so easy to bring to life and with life dat link. I love that because if mer net from the area and has no knowledge about Jewish traditions and stories may mer net soo much understand.
He has, in principle, beginning with Adam and why it all. And the links between Jesus and Satan and Adam and us and you, too, the whole world!
Dat mer erstma must digest. But awesome. The man's really it. Interesting and dat where is: No matter how much the white and stuff. He has ne way about him, dat mer is never found stupid or small. Ne ingenious way to teach, easy.

Tuesday night was also pretty awesome. At the open evening Mustafe was back and I think there was some spin on the head:) - Have not thought at the beginning: "How in the world is that the work, but then God told me to tell me time to relax and pay attention to HIM and the net on the problem as Peter Net broadcast on the waves, but on Jesus then drinks from mer also net:...) - has impressed him most, I think, could be prayed for the people just to .. he has never seen before or experienced and that was one of his first questions: "You talk real with God?" - Ham after the benediction still for quite a time talking with him and I think really, does a lot because at the moment . I'm curious times.

The street work was good this week. The beginning was indeed really so "come on, who better to go home!", But it 'who wanted to give up ham nochma who pray and then three Muslims from Bangladesh over the feet stumbled, and then tell ma Muslims about Jesus. Although Cyprus is a Christian, is dat net so easy! I can dat net. 'm Just the type of the net to go to people and loslabert. Is for me the absolute horror show.
But the evening I was with Dilgesh way and has taken over the rest more or less. Because he was so en Muslim, the whole anderst me speak them. He chatters yes net as I am, with DCC purely Christian / Western background, but from experience how it is when mer as a Muslim comes to Jesus.
The three were at the beginning rather surprising, but who really just ham which explains just what's going on and quite flowery Dilgesh has historical connections, and, according to Islam, and pointed out the differences.
were the end, the guys really interested and I hope se appear at the open evening. Curiously enough were se schonmal yes. But more than
can tell who is what Los yes net. The rest is our job from dad.
hope that night was enough to present Holy Spirit)

Thursday ham you made and then NEN "movie night". Laptop, projector, popcorn, cola, chips and cookies, and "I Am Legend."
Is net so completely what the expected mer at Ner DTS as a film program would, however, was soooo muckel:)
Jackie added that half of the film with NEM pillow placed in front of the face and bitched, but could go out but then se net;)
I like the quote from Bob Marley: "The evil in the world treats herself no day off so I do not either."
OK, the old hemp head was indeed really en net model of lifestyle, but that he had once got it real.

Friday, according to the Lectures:

were lazy on Saturday who nochma in Larnaca on the beach. Although I really want to net, because dat are alts again 20 Euronen transportation costs (the bulk ..... buses here as in Germany on Saturday quite rare) but because we go next Sa.nach Paphos, which is then nothing. And then it will be so slow ma cooler (finally!) But then is nich lie more with the beach.
Ham made us then there ma so nen really nice lazy day. Entertainment and who had also diesma: All afternoon en small jet ski race was on the beach. And dat net was absolutely the slowest carrots:) have
Most of the time but I overslept because I was quite ko of the week. Learning is dependent strain and unlike at home I wake up here at least once a night on. Is net so the most relaxing sleep ....
And en wonderfully unhealthy, greasy, delicious McDoof menu have who are indulged in the end continued)
wonder Schoen is also time and again when Elias or so, the trades quips with one of our girls:))) Arab culture VS Western emancipation - flavorful !!
Dat kinda great:) nice talk about after calming independence in McDoof he takes Sannah's tray and lets dat of Parmis are "You can help yourself It's your culture.." loooooooool - everything goes in the fun, but dat face Parmis was unbezahlbat:) shot OK Last Saturday isser something about's goal also and Mona had hunted with NEM flip-flop and the rest of us stood in front of screaming laughter on the floor:))) )
Sunday were back in service in the Goethe-Institut. I like the guys from the Anglican Church, but according as who preaches, I do not understand a word. African accent is amiss. Dat Goethe-Institut is, however, in no man's land between the south and the Turkish-occupied North. Usually no problem, but is funny when his passport mer must put up to visit NEN worship.
But there is also quite muckel. Must visit. Maybe I can borrow as well as ma s German book from the library. Why did I fool even more with net taken? 'm Really into judgment net so that I will miss it so as to read and speak German!
But fortunately are here, too few en German. As can relax ma mer language. However, I remember dat
, et is really hard time being, to switch from English to German!
'll see if I have ma de weeks time, then I can hopefully look at ma NEM German / English couple over, the first in Turkey and have lived here now for 3 years in Cyprus. The ham I just anyway invited to come to the coffee gone. Also ma what else:) but I've
Sun afternoon spent horizontal. Dat dat was ma first here dat I was blown away by the headache was crap am. Well does happen.
Too bad dat I then had to spend the whole evening trying to write my weekly journal. * * Grmpf

And here is what I most circulations sinker, is the fact the chamber has actually no way to pull themselves back ma. Although I find the whole chaotic bunch here and I'm usually happy among people, but I really miss being able to do my door behind me and no one bothers me. Quite simply its rest have ...
Without privacy, I turn the wheel really
Well. Must match up next March.

Schnaggi Hey! One should also be mentioned: Grill cheese comes mostly from Cyprus;)
Is so ne Art culinary trademark. Halloumi heist dat stuff and a factory and factory store is about 50 m s distance from us. Treats;)
Even if it may seem: Nix with chemistry. All natural.

Sun Dat was present mA model something:) But now I've
too tired to type, and immediately there's the evening meal and then is open evening.
you soon ma, your Splissmeister!

PS: to the Dat Overdrivungen works so slowly and in English;) for
But a I've already NEN rebuke from our dad get personally. Since I will probably have to also halt to something again.

Saturday, October 25, 2008

How Can I Improve My Netflix Signal


yes I won!
Slowly my inner Jahreszeitenuhr insists on real fall / winter!
And nothing is in sight. Today was once again boiling hot. Well. net was so bad today, because who drove in the Turkish occupied north. After Salamis. Small tuition for all the (just like me today:) know nothing to do with it: Dat is in the middle west of the island where Paul and Barnabas are tumbled to Ner mission trip to shore.
are some beautiful archaeological sites and ruins from the period of time there. En gymnasium with sauna complex, en amphitheater, ne old Roman Villa and all that stuff. I stand on dat old ware:) articles in NEM and monastery where the remains of Barnabas (who was not, the released instead of Jesus, but the one who was with Paul) are.. Well. If the purchase is also nothing of, but time was interesting. In 2 weeks
do if you if you NEN trip to Paphos. Dat is da, where Paul had a small confrontation with the strange sorcerer Bar-Jesus, and consequently time a round was blind. Well. With God puts mer is more dependent on net:)
Is everything in Acts 13.4 -12. Is net long:) And
ne nice swim in the ocean were round whoever. Christopher was found dead squid and the NEN erstma had inspected. Only as the the taken high, has arrived with NEM worst gush ran out all the "ink". Man what ne mess. But coool;) is sooo beautiful
sea. Unfortunately, far too far away. Even if those who are on an Island.

past week was pretty good. Theme was "The Father Heart of God." Was ok for me now not so much new at, but was good to hear that again, but because one or the other was buried under other "stuff". Has done really well. Sometimes forget just thinks mer net more things that should net mer ... - What the heck. My God is great! And takes care of. Mer it must let it. And dat is sometimes my biggest problem. I'm schonmal wie'n stubborn donkey. But somehow dat gets the point:)

On Tuesday, who again had our open evening where friends and people we have addressed the street work can come. Cool was that brought Alex came back and is also diesma NEN friend. Strange story. Because when we talked to Alex on the street ham who has unsheathed einma on his cell phone and called a lad and my phone's in de hand pressed. And now hatter'n do to us. God has strange ways .... schonma Whatever. Mustafa is in any case of Turkish Kurd, has squashed under Cyprus, because a Kurd net has so fixed on Turkish army. Is logically, yes. Plays in any case, e-guitar, and perhaps be hardcore;) naja. Be ma see what our Dad with the two mumble as has. The two muckeln in any case with us:)

And I miss something from German! I had on Friday 5Euronen (!!!!!) for NEN "Mirror" issue. Unfortunately, the only German newspaper War was to get. Well. Still better than Bild newspaper. But finally back ma wat to read German.

Was it all in all, ne good week, overshadowed, unfortunately, was pretty dark .....
Will not write about it here, but most will know what I mean ..... Can only be
's not entirely unmentioned ... I think of you and praying for you ....

So then. I'll do ma so slowly closing time. Have some more en what to write what must be done on Monday. And I want all day Sunday so that net en . Spend
And if I'm lucky is still enough water in the tank. Then at least I can shower first.

soon, your

PS: If the blowout with one of this continues, I'll still really fat here! ;)

Friday, October 17, 2008

Big Bobs And Chests Fotos

So what ...

Dat is ma then again, the general Weekly Report:)
Was something mixed this week. As always.
Dat weekend was pretty bad because I had to fight with some things pretty. Is net of the people here or what is taught. Were and are always things between me and God. Or plant the nonsense 'colleagues from the other side "in my pear. But if I'm honest, I pretty much expected, dat dat come here so. Mr.S. nunmal not feel there has it, dat we here with and for our Papa. And really: let's come up with the lot. Dat is net only me here so ... Tuesday was en
but good day. A Turkish Kurd, the Christopher and I met last Wednesday with the street work is come to "open evening" and wants to come next week. Dat is de reason to look forward yet (and continue to pray).
but Wednesday was the last class garnet for me ...
I think we are there, however, quite naively unprepared and left us to ran and ham made quite a target for appeals and Co..
Well ... Ephesians 6 ma forget loose fluffy.
Standard Krankeihten to something to sabotage sometimes saves time. But we ham 3 people with worst back problems. Helps only pray on.
I need more time, especially with Papa em / Jesus ALONE. Dat is exactly so'n problem here as at home. Mer has to do and if wahneviel ma ne gap is, is dat mer mer ko Sun to net even comes. But somewhere I Zwack time off already. And if I let fly dat Language Lab on Fridays, or something. The whole input here has to digest mer yes ma!
Yesterday I myself just for de ma few hours roped anything inspected the border and in ner muggled Catholic Church. Since eats first cool and 2 beautiful calm. Wat number can be said of our spaces are more net:)
I hope we sleep through morning's net again and create this Saturday ma to go to Larnaca annen beach. Viewed 3 weeks on an Island and I still have no water, except in the shower and in the glass! I think I'm lying! But
will be fun. Depending on how those who manage dat kip who maybe on the beach and only come back on Sun morning.
Dat can only make all net, net because all of us have valid visas en. Then, when the Pozilei ne control makes is that damn dat with me but one or the other could end up in detention, net wat would be so amazing. And maybe those who create
et ma go next week also with en few people on the Turkish-occupied side. The limit is surprisingly easy to pass. (Mer has provided the correct nationality), but noted mer but there still pretty much the dislike of each other ...
Everywhere hang pictures and reports of war crimes and victims ...
And man! Wat are here proles go! Main en pimped car, even if mer paid off the next 15 years on credit. Appearance is everything.
has it advantages: If I (dat Fussgaengersystem streamlined the way, nobody here) across the road must go, I just mostly. I think most love their car too much to risk NEN scratch;)))
And fuel is here dat only one, wat is really cheaper here than at home. Dat most other stuff is equal to more expensive! * * Wurgs
Well. Fits already.
Sun That's it for today ma. See you soon
ma, your Splissmeister.
PS: miss you all!

Friday, October 10, 2008

Fredericton To Tronto Bus


images is still non but maybe soon.
but must always be a little careful about what or who I see better because s few of the guys here but have little fear of being recognized.
Especially, outside the Middle East with Muslim background and who go to the DTS again in a Muslim country.
as if there were further, a Syrian Kurd who is here as a refugee and a Palaestinaenser, wanted to kill his own father, after having been converted to Jesus ... Are already some crass stories here ... but names and details I can not give any. Is clearly yes.
Tjoa .... the 2nd week is more or less rum. I
have thought, here is all so laid back and whatever. But towards the construction workers diagonally opposite, have a wake in the morning with their noise by 4 clock, I'm really grad ma unchristian thoughts grmpf * * - but I will only sleep! : (((
The lecture this week was pretty good "in intercession and spiritual Kampffuehrung" was in it Have rarely seen that a week goes so quickly around Despite homesickness and temptation....)
Well Our dad does it matter
. . Have also my "colleagues" hit again Sebastian is the name of Gutste comes from northern Hesse and has to study in recent casting you do dat good talk ma German can be.!)
The is for 10 months with NEM mission team students here.
But few people here can be en the little German. But to speak correct German high net also is lighter than English:)
morning we will probably help at one of the employees with the move. Too bad. Then the Chouchen cozy and the chairs away:) And then in the afternoon, perhaps even go over the border into the Turkish north.
The two are so green at all net.
Dat goes so far because of Turkish Cypriot coffee and coffee here is called "Turkish Delight" (the brilliant white soft caramel), "Cypriot delight".
entered one of us is already in en evil pitfalls: Christopher (our very British British) wanted someone to ask you something .... tried it first in English, then Arabic and then asks: "Do you speak turkish?" - D'oh !!!!!!! - Since the Gutste was ma full carrot offended;)))
Well. Can happen.
And I will be "spoiled":) Here's Indian Chilli powder - Mjam!!
So much for today!
Keep on paying!
your Splissmeister!

Sunday, October 5, 2008

Pokemon Heart Gold On Mac ?

Tjoaa .....

Dat with the pictures of ne heavier birth ... In the Internet Cafe
can really make mer ONLY Internet. Upload images, and so is nich. Dat is Sch .....
Well. Then I'll's later again by trying Dilgesh's laptop.

Whatever. Here
isses least evil warm. I hope that here soon of the "Winter" arrives. I would have to Norway should go:) wat en dat net lucky I'm here in the summer!!
is also stupid, dat Nicosia halt in the middle of the island and is net of the sea. So let's just jump into the water is nich.
who had actually planned to take some people to en on sat with em bus to Larnaca, but dat was no better. Ham get your ass out of bed net;))) I know
net when I dat last time was so glad the weekend is dat!
I'm something of flat.
speak English all the time hard at all nice. And we also en ham good tight program. The day is full from morning to evening 7 to 9 / 10 And then the worst heat here.
ma And quite apart from the temptations and net is too tight ... am quite beautiful exhausted, for that matter.
lucky we ham ne great force here.
Last night we had is the fastest answer to prayer since chocolate:) Brian thought we should really pray together anymore. Einma in 2 teams and then as a group. So the men together and the girls together. We had to pray
degree beginning with the half of the men for this, as did the rest purely already stumbled and joined:)

Today was also ma again with vinegar water. As of the afternoon was no water and no electricity anymore. Current is fixed, but water can still waiting to ... On Thursday we
ham another 2 water tanks hoisted onto the roof. When connected, ham who hopefully much fewer problems with em water.

also had lunch en Creates beautiful community here in the international Anglican Church. They're pretty good about it, even if the service for getting used to winning states is:) and so many Africans are right there, and therefore "alive" you get to there:) I'm curious

real ma, what the next week Sun
Hope that is more relaxed than the Eroeffnungswoche.

writes And from me and ma, which runs at home so!

So long!
Hope you enjoy graphic to be allowed soon:) Your

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

Equity Dealer, Interview

Cyprus as it is

has today `s finally worked with showers. (The 2 times so far:) Cyprus is indeed small island, but a lack of water here `s pretty. This year `s raining (with yesterday) 4x. So the water is strictly rationed. Car wash does not here. And if it does: That `s construction:) (honestly) Most of the water (like much else is also) brought here by boat.
isses So here is anything but cheap. Many things are as expensive as at home, en some things cheaper, but some (like shampoo and such) pretty expensive! Milk, cheese and sausage unfortunately.
The offices are still bekloppter than in Germany. I'm so net So `s problem because I need no visa for Cyprus, but all of Ami's and those from the Middle East` m here all the more. The NEN will be tested, ne opens at the lung and NEN Greek course and make it `s perhaps VISA! The ham s thunder!
3 days before the beginning of DTS, nor a woman happened. Veronica comes originally from Korea and her husband somehow works well for the government, but they make out of it s quite a mystery what he is. Something tall, or secret. Hope over the rail, the movement comes in the matter. Thanks Dad!
But dat waer schonma s prayer requests: Dat be given for all the VISA's.
Cyprus is indeed the EU, but the thinking here is still quite dependent Arabic / Greek /
But security isses here schonmal.
The Israeli embassy is only en stone's throw of us, and normally would since everyone NEN heavy fence and guards But to suggest: NOTHING! Net
ma de fence! s office just along the road, with ner door open and precious plate.
Ashraf (the DTS director here) says he would take out his car ma net.
The only significant Krimminalitaet here is the oldest profession in the world.
prostitution here is probably fairly widespread.
The guys here at the base are all fully in place. The directors and such.
'm pretty But with challenge and to fight so and miss you all very beautiful.
Please pray for me. Can use real!
And I'm glad about every blog and every Kommetar the beep from home:)
'm going to try to keep current and Halfway on the next few photos de ma also to make it.
I can use the laptop from Dilgesh luck, so I have to go in net alts en internet cafe. Sun
DC `s dinner. Is it was mostly easy, but delicious and plentiful:)
I'll get fat again:)

PS: No Spruehwurst or any others;) - my pig's stomach can handle much good:)

Saturday, September 27, 2008

Dvds Look Grainy On My Blu Ray

who were there:)

Sun Arrived who would be schonmal:)
The airport at Larnaca is really damn small. OK
larger than the Siegerlandflughafen already, but net too much:) And
man! Is dat warm in here! 3 clock at night and 22 degrees!
I hope the wait for autumn / winter can be net long in coming:)
The spaces and so, although quite spartan, but clean. And anyway I can sleep anywhere:)
The others here are, as far as I know quite well se m site. Which are from Egypt, from Ammiland, from Jordan, and England is one with the whole family here.
Jetz is to Monday erstma free and we can look around us and "arrive" in peace.
then begin the Study's and such.
transfer pick up and so has worked out great.
But I'm sure I'll run over here before I raff, traffic is dat left here:)
I'm still totally confused and off the track ... Maybe make
today who still nen trip to the water:) I will
Sun block ma net too long the computer, so that others can also be ma turn. Werd on Monday ma in en go internet cafe. Since dat is easier and faster. Un ham ne reasonable.cost perhaps the keyboard. As mer see, I am here from plag with ner U.S. keyboard:) And ma
3.500.267x Thanks to you 2 Pops (Schnaggi & Ermi) I've got dat beat her at the airport waiting!
See you then ma!

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Can You Withdraw Money From Biolife

Kolle gas

And before I forget:
I've already tried out the branding iron:)
No. Not to me and to friends.
best friend of the people ...
the flesh:

Wishing you all the best, and thanks again!
Was a really great time with you!

Indoor Basket Courts In Nj

I'm probably the only one ...

Hmmm .....
in 2 days where I fly, where it's nice and warm is. But I'm probably the only idiot who is sad, he missed the autumn and winter in Germany.
I need seasons and I need sometimes foggy, gray and cold.
Because I probably understand least of all the women and get alone with the thoughts already ne ceiling:)

I need this real!

Friday, September 12, 2008

Mantel Prints & Plans

Ernst's will ....

Nodda .... present the blog will soon be used for dat what was actually created ma: Dat wat I write here can in the time when I'm gone.

Endstress about to close .... (I hate insurance paperwork ..!!! - Non-blame Dennis, woa:) - 1000 errands, errands, snow here and there ma pure and to make matters worse, even in 1000 celebrations and so, by people who want to stay where mer also net away because mer se so fond :)
What the heck.
But so slowly but I s sinking feeling in my stomach ... net because down there, but because of what I here back. My family, friends, my community ....
But our "daddy" has been doing this:)
In 2 weeks at this time, I sit in any case already at Dusseldorf airport.

Today is erstma Marco's 30ster, 1 years ago Waldesruh, Sunday en little farewell party, Tuesday Coffee Kitty flatten (läääcker munch go ).... and so on .....

am going to try to leave fairly regularly ne intellectual flatulence, but now I must go erstma. The boys wait by the youth group:)

Tuesday, August 19, 2008

How Long Does It Takes Metronidazole To Work

My God is great ...!!

My God is great ...!!!

I have some people recently noticed that they are frustrated. Frustrated because God apparently does so little. Because we see so little. Because they are disappointed.
I count myself sometimes somehow to do so.
On Tuesday I got the newsletter read by Nari and he's happy just thrilled to anyone who finds his way to Jesus and anyone with whom he can talk only about him. - And I ...? My thought was actually: 2 .. only 2 .... and so many who do not listen ... do not understand it .... not accept it ....
I catch myself thinking that make me really scared:
"What sense does all this have here, what are we doing here?"
"What will it be if it bears so little fruit?"
"Why have just us on this path go and others do it comfortably, without even a shred of bad conscience? "
And yet quite different in shitty thoughts ....
We have not only not one of us, is Jesus, but unfortunately one that is on it ill against us. The case, tried everything to get us.
in self JESUS he is against not shrunk.
He `s tried directly, when he was in the desert and wanted to put him the world at your feet (Matthew 4:8) , or man, as Jesus hung on the cross and the people who passed by derided him, have and urged him to rise from the cross. (Matthew 27.42)
It would have been so much easier and more convenient. And so easy for him. Like a Fingerschnipsen. Not anymore. And everything would have been over. No more pain. No more sarcasm. Not far away from the father.
But what would have been the price?
No one would have been saved ....
But it would be so much easier been ...

These thoughts pull me down. Up in the deepest cellars of the emotions.
And in this sense can swamp mer wallow be pretty nice. How s little pig in the mud. Schööön wallow in it. * Oink * * oink oink * * *
version is coming as net so easily.

The devil throws us happy with the dirt, because he knows he has succeeded.
Fuck! And how successful has it!
Here comes me high the bile, when I see what the havoc it!
And the goal which he has so that is pretty clear: He
discourage us wants. Stun. Destroy. Prevent
to do, what to do.
to experience that know what we should do. Will we prevent
are tools that we are genuine, we pray that we act.
Because the thwarted his plans.
And because he hates it.
He hates us. And much more the One who created us because He created us. Because God loves us and we as children of God even over the angels. He is jealous, as the sow. And he laughs can be broken if we fail, God and he rub his nose.
why he goes in the first place. to diss God. To destroy what He loves.
say we are collateral damage in his attempt to defeat God in the face.
And he will do everything to defeat, how to avoid the case of Job. Also
s very ingenious book of the Bible. Indigestible food, but it damn well. I'd only read's net first. Could be indigestion.
belch and fart excluded net.

Lucky is dat not a constant state.
In a perhaps less and others more.
know but everyone's doing.
But why such a shit happens ...!?!?

This much is clear:
The devil attacks the first of which comes across him. The more seriously I do with Jesus, the more I am exposed to the attacks of the devil.
As an infantry soldier. The closer I get to the front, and the more severe the impacts are all around me.
But only here can I fight. Here I'm useful.
And in war are the most desirable destinations, where the most damage can be done.
enemy Satan is God. And its most valuable we are his children. And cause the most damage he can, by shooting at those who are dangerous to him because they can be used by God, for whatever He wills.

But why these attacks succeed so often? Why
fall victim to temptation and let us down like this course? Why do we fall
purely on these and other lies of the devil?
Why do we doubt? Why
fail when it comes to tell others about Jesus? But

There's certainly more declarations 3,000,000 - and a point - which I now will not necessarily out - is not that we put on his armor.
In Ephesians 6.10 to 20 Paul describes the armor of God. - If at any time and browse through to make s few thoughts. Worthwhile.
has made before last Wednesday in the Bible Stammtisch Thommy as a theme.
was really good. I knew the place, but I've thought before that net as real as made drum. - Perhaps the pack of Thommy yes ma ne für'n Saturday in short sermon:)

But as I said, the armor is not my topic today.

I do it again NEN little trip into the Old Testament. Then I came across a passage that describes it very well. The Prophet Daniel prophesied
often in two hours. Once on a time that lies in our past and once at the end time.
Daniel prophesy only about various kings who come and go and make each other wet. And then:

In its place will rise a despised, which the royal dignity was not supposed, but he will come suddenly and seize the kingdom by flatteries.
Daniel 11.21

In the past, he refers to a king who ermogelt something cunning power added. Antiochius IV Epiphanes. Probably one of, if not the cruel king of that period (215-164 BC). Looking into the future, the whole is more often employed on the Antichrist. I
les net present everything before, because I will not hold end-time preaching. Dat I leave to others.
In the other verses he writes about various Dirty, and such, that he gives power and God tries to piss on the cart. Prophesied about the desecration of the Temple in Jerusalem and similar shit, he mortised. But
mer knows it all anyway.
The devil does exactly the same. He pulls power for himself, which is not to him, God tries to piss on the cart and so on.
What once was, it will be again, and once that is done, this will happen again. And there is nothing new under the sun.
preacher 1.9

And it is those who do wrong against the federal government, misled by flattery to the waste;
Daniel 11.32 a

looks familiar, right? Is it a popular scam by the devil, a zuzusülzen and everything to make them palatable, which is not in God's mind.
Especially when mer eh grad weak in faith, or is somehow fell flat on his face and always vulnerable.

but the people who know their God will remain firm and act. Daniel
11.32 b

This is the point. God know.
How many lies and how much crap can pump the old bastard Luzi in our lives because we are God, because we really do not know Jesus?

clear. En few of us go quite a long time with Jesus and know him much better than others.
But some of us know it yet net as long, or ham JESUS, as I pushed, a good time on long's siding. And as for NEM looks
good friend, the net long mer, mer alienated himself.
But the users of the bag!

How much easier it is for, to tell you lies about someone you know net so well?
How much easier it because to get up to something to do, which you know or net net sure what your boyfriend / girlfriend / husband / wife, whoever thinks about it?
And how much easier it is to discourage you if you do not know if your friend will help you?
Or you do not know what he can do at all?
Or if he wants to help at all?

This is the same with Jesus.
when I do not know how to distinguish what is true because then lied about it or is it?
How am I to distinguish what he finds good and what is not?
How should I then leave me to it if I do not know what IT can do?
or whether he wants to do so because ...?
And how shall I then act?
How should I know if I run just after Jesus, or nerve lie?

It is so important to know HIM .....

In Matthew 22 en wanted some Sadducees Jesus left. The Sadducees were among the rich and superiors in Jerusalem and had more power in the temple, like the Pharisees, but so much about the Torah, from the Old Testament had the net really. The ham net believed in the resurrection, net because that there are angels or demons. And the ham from the Old Testament only the 5th accepted books of Moses and believed that God has pulled back the time and net more particularly cares about dat, wat we do here and also net more engaging.
treasures ma, the ham made the temple service only because of the prestige and power. Is indeed nowadays net got so completely out of fashion.
Whatever. The ham is absorbed, remarry marry because, and resurrection, and who has kricht because nu the woman in the sky when her husband died is and se remarried

But Jesus answered and said unto them, "You are mistaken, because it neither the Scriptures nor the power of God knows.
Matthew 22.29

And then he said that is how it's really nu.

said of his statement and I think Jesus more than just dat the wrong thing in one lay. The boys had no plan of God. And dat was net only in one way of tea.
They knew nothing of God,
nothing of what his will is,
net to what He is all in a position
and what he wants.
The full swing against the wall.
And because it's where God went to net, but of power, prestige, and so - and because everything dat was based on the Temple and the net on God, it was over it, as under Nero, Titus, a little more than 30 years later destroy the Temple in Jerusalem did. Her faith was only religion - and religion has not saved anyone.
This can only be Jesus.
religion is not even a tepid imitation of what God is ...

It's not about accumulating as much knowledge, which I splurge can. Knowledge on which I can rely on, or something.
It's about a relationship.
A relationship between you and God
God created us for love.
He loves us so incredible that I can not even begin to comprehend can.
He has given us the love of our free will so that we come to Him willingly.
We return his love.
for its own sake. The only way love works. And the only reason he takes it all .... in purchase

But to love someone, I must get to know him. If I see
s sweet girl, I'll probably fall in love. But I can really love who I know. And if someone loves
mer, mer wants to get to know him more and more.
Will know more about the other. Who loves
will do what is good for the other. What the other is pleased and happy - which is but only if I know the others.

how painful it is when mer overhears the man loves the chamber, believes the lies he told about getting one?
... so God feels when we go into the trap of the devil ...

and how painful, how destructive it is when someone else tells lies about the loves mer? - But that's what makes the devil. He tells us lies about GOD. And the better we know him, the easier it is for us to see through the lies. And to tell the devil that he can even kiss us, find it tastes bitter, because we know our PAPA indicated.

The devil wants to prevent with all the power that we know God better. Because the better we know God, the less power and space attack he has.
The better we know Him, the stronger our love for Him and the more we understand what is really going on here in this world.

How many people God is considered a tyrant, because they know him only as a judge and not God as a loving father? Jesus as a true friend?
not understand that God punishes us net, if we do not a failure, but we very carefully will again on its feet?
How many people have no idea how big, how powerful God is holy, because they see Jesus only as a good friend?
How many people limit God's action to "time", and do not realize that he is still just like "back then"?
How many lies he told you, me and others told you and we ate them because we do not know HIM?
how much damage he has already done so ....?
How much suffering caused?

God knows each of us breath. Everything good and everything bad.
And He loves us despite our mistakes.

But what about you? How well do you know
How big is God to you?

I've even thought alts times since made drum, but it was so real net with the heart.
But this year the stock was GOD freak much of the opinion that there would be time to change something.
My image of God was reasonably stable, but rather vague. But I had been satisfied. How
in ner relationship that gets stuck. It is just somehow, but it is net so the bomb. And this will change only when one breaks out of this rut.
Well. But he had to see to that:)
ER gave me this year on freakstock shown so starkly how little I know him ....
With many small things.
Mer goes at night to embark on de Hecke, and looks the way back into the sky and see the stars. Much better than usual, because there's hardly ne artificial light.
think a little .... "PAPA .... net mean you had a bit excessive ...?" And
mer got the extra little impression of its size.
small Ganz.
And yet by many other things before and after, he has shown me that I know him far too little.
And I have far too little desire for it.
This has been a thing I went on for some time en laces.
example, I had to almost force myself to read the Bible or pray.

I must hurry, because I know - we talk this evening, Lord, yes?
pray? Och net present PAPA ..... more We talk tomorrow.
And louder things like that.

I'm here come on their own net on. Net came out.
And after a workshop "hear God's voice," I finally have time to pray for me. So I finally get out of this quagmire. That was
schonma the first step, noted only a lot I have at the beginning net .....

But God has moved on.
Whether in sermons or in Nightpraise when I spoke there, or even after em freakstock with people who have prayed, or wherever.
He has given me more and more small comment on its size and I've realized more and more how little I know him.

How little I know of its size, how little I know of his power.
Until I eventually could only stand open-mouthed in front of him and actually say nothing anymore.
So small .... with hat but recovered from him.

How little I know of His love and His presence can be as blatant, the
me sometime just blown away just yet.
With so many little things, like the Nightpraise muckeln just in PAPA's hand and can just enjoy. As Simon and Alina have concluded their peace mitenand how Marina did her thing with God clear. As the Vineyard - boys ham said: God acts, now. Pray for each other, for healing, (and has cured ER! Marc's foot, Tobi's stomach .....!) and so much more ...
So small .... with hat but recovered from him.

how little I know of his pain ....
being lost on each of the pain goes.
about people who are my close and do not understand what is going on.
over the whole shit that's happening in the world .....
And I and my little problems are still important to him. The one man for whom I pray now, not one is from the statistics, but the ER is crying in pain and this man, many thousand times more love and want to see how I saved ever could.

How little I know about the weapons and tools that He has for us.
If I am almost half-naked on the battlefield. - Left and right hails's strikes and my biggest concern is that a man could see my pills. And God
net thinks, "You idiot!" But keeps his hand over me.
When I try to save someone vor'm crashes, but forget the rope and the hook. And He does not think again, "idiot" but just my hand and stops, I crash.

How little I know of HIS wisdom and always try to go their own way and it must be slowed again by him before I fall flat on its face.

He has shown me just a little bit more of themselves. So much so that I get hungry for more.
But still there is only a thought that is left over: "My God is great"

And not only is it important for us that we know God, but also for others. Because
do we tell other than by someone on, we do not know? Dat
are then so the story has it seen the dude en cousin of my great-aunt of nem in Dortmund-Scharnhorst. Maybe it
net für'n and laugh, but does not really interest's.
But when I talk about things that I have seen, it looks often very different. Mer
If people tell of what has mer personally experienced with God, keep the stupid one for either total, or be curious.

It is so important and so awesome to get to know God more and more.
We are not the lies of the devil on your line.
We understand what a powerful and Satan on the other hand we PAPA real abstinkt.
We understand the ER is always there for us. Even if it's perhaps not as grad feels. He has promised us
's - feelings can deceive. God does not. We
from the safe comfort Boot off and learn to trust Him.
And so much more ..... of reasons

He does it in so many different ways:
Through the Bible, if you
when I spend time with Him - in prayer, in worship, when we live our normal life with Him.
through small and flashy things that you can do ER.
by other people who know him.

When you get to know God more and more, you will be surprised again and again, from Him. By His love, His power, His wisdom, His grace, how much you and he acted.

We should never forget. Even if the devil we finish the always beautiful wants. Luzi Forget it! - My dad is much larger and more blatantly as you like!
There is nothing and no one would even approach only because it.

"My God is great"

And I can do it put to my heart to anyone who does not have this hunger to know God more and more to learn: ask him! He wants to help you anyway. He loves thee!
".... because it is God who works in you both to will and the accomplishment of his good pleasure. "Philippians 2:13
And do not do that at some point, but present.
Ask him a question that you get to know him better, that you want to do with Him. Or that you ever erstma Bock as get it.
our Dad has been doing this.

"My God is great!"


Towards the end en little soul food:)
King David was one that even a lot Mist has built, but he was one who knew God really well and knew how good God knows it .. And he s brilliant talent had to put into words:

Psalm 139
searchest one Lord, you love me and know me. 2 I'm sitting or standing on, you know it, you understand my thoughts from afar. 3 I'm lying down, and you're around and see all my ways. 4 For behold, it is not Word on my tongue, but thou, O LORD do not know. 5 From all sides you surround me and keep your hand upon me. 6 Such knowledge is too wonderful for me too high, and I understand they can not. 7 Where shall I go go from your Spirit, and where shall I flee from your presence? 8 If I ascend up into heaven, thou art there. I make my bed in hell, behold, thou art there. 9, I take the wings of the morning and dwell in the uttermost sea, 10 so I would but there your hand and hold your right me. 11 If I say, let darkness cover me! the night must be light about me. 12 For even darkness is not dark to thee, the night is as clear as day; Darkness is like light. 13 For you have formed my inward parts, and me in the womb. 14 I praise you because I am fearfully and wonderfully made, marvelous are thy works, and that my soul good. 15 There you was not hid from my bones, I was made in secret, because I was formed in the earth below. 16 Your eyes saw me when I was still unprepared, and all my members were written in your book that should be, since none was as the same.

"My God is great!"

Saturday, May 31, 2008

Statistics Of Dyslexia 2010

* * grmpf

It is to grow!
Siegen - ok - I live, I like, I feel good.
But now and should mer's but here ma have a little dry, right?
Small round with the big twist? - Thunderstorm Probability: 90% - well great. This is the dream of all 2radfahrer .... En
little wet net is indeed tragic, but when it's raining, it stinks even driving a car, it gets stupid.
I think I need urgently ne rainclothes ....
Or better water wings - just in case.

If it continues like this needs mer soon such a vehicle here to get on the surrounding streets clear;)

Height: 2.3 m
width: 2.6 m
length: 5.3 m
Weight: 4749kg
Engine: Panzermoter T55 (Russia) with 800 hp

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Tuesday, May 27, 2008

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Kill da bunny!!

"You shall love the Lord your God, love with your whole heart and your soul and with all your mind. " This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." - Matthew 22 verses 37-39

charity, love (not sex), respect, responsibility, caring ...

You have heard that it was said of old time, Thou shalt not commit adultery, "I say to you that whoever looks at a woman to lust after her in his heart already committed adultery with her. - Matthew 5 verse 27 + 28

's really happening in this world just to fuck's?

Sorry if I ever heard in this entry crass expressions, but can on the subject so soon mer net more different ....

Fucking - not love. - I got the impression that no longer know the 3 / 4 to difference.
love is confused with sex and sex is reduced to something that is just satisfying a desire, or addiction.
There's usually nothing more of what God was thinking when He invented sex. - Understand me wrong net. I have nothing against sex. And God with the best will not. Hey - He has made things up. Also it is fun. - What was the first thing God said to the people?

"And God blessed them and God said unto them, Be fruitful and multiply, and replenish the earth and subdue it and have dominion over the fish of the sea and over the fowl of the air and over every living thing that moves on the earth! " 1.Mose 1, verse 28

but he has a framework for plugged in, the we should not exceed. Whether it's one or the other is now right, ok not give a shit. The frame is now even marriage. And that's a good a reason. Not to diss us, or because he would not treat us the fun. No. Because he knows how it works best. Because He knows what else we do it.
And to be honest. Many just do not climb over the fence. No. Many consider him a break and piss on it. And not only that, but with dozens of other things. And then we wonder why families go to the dogs, or no longer work. Why cheating is almost normal. Why abortion is normal. Why is rape and take this (which according to a report in all Countries was the case in which pornography was released), why children deal with sexual practices, should play in the woods. Why are there so many perversions of all kinds. Why, ... why ... why ,.....
But it is God then made responsible.
Do you remember? The
whom you piss in the garden.

And how "cheap" is often given something cheap, which is one of the best things that two people can share? Low price, where on one side. But the price is demanded for this is higher than most believe. And gets paid whether you want it or not.

--- Generation Sex - Teen Sex in fever ---

is So ne reportage that I've just seen.
children (12 years for me now even not even teenagers) to draw at porn in, popping around, as there'd be no tomorrow, distribute pornographic pictures of themselves on the Internet and via mobile phone and have no idea what they are do that because ... - Is this normal? Normally might not, but there are alarming many who verqirlen thus her brain.

evening films are shown in sex scenes that were 10 years ago than in movie night to see an age limit. In soap operas and dozens of films being promoted, the net pops who can get what he really is pretty stupid, and if the relationship ne net Sun going well, the hero is he who is himself looking for something new. (Of course, everything is nicely packaged in ne incredibly funny and romantic story, it's stuck in the brain also nice and easy to digest) remains in the lunch program "Model-shootings" show in which lucky with the slip yet. Cartoon characters that could be designed by pornographers, and kiddies that are styled by television producers as if they were adult sex symbols - Hello? These are the children and see children who believe and deal with the best will net can! It get so net ma adult baked resist this barrage of lies and brain fuck in the media! And thus be Unfortunately, these lies more and more truths that many live and consider it normal.
Haaallloooo! Turns your brain a time please!
The media shows what sells, not what is good or moral. This is not a mirror image of normality!
But for those who do not use your bulb, it is a glimpse into their future.
One or the other may say: "exaggerate ma net"
But what the report here in the report may, in part exaggerated, or are diagnosed, but unfortunately not out of thin air.
Unfortunately I know too many who do just that and have completely bent the crap the brain and probably even are no longer able to deal with the subject of sex normally. This is so and in adults in children even more. Everything you do, which is harmful to is, the worse the younger you make a start.

Well - sex sells's - The dispute surely not. And sex and pornography is consumed today, as the bread from the bakery for breakfast. Only the stupid mer can easily consume the net and is good. The most noted garnet apparently what it has implications for se, se if the alts move in!
The effects are much the same as with drugs. One may from time to time a smoke and that's it. But en else does then more and more often. And is faster depends as he would have thought and may need quick harder and harder drugs until the manure determines his life completely.
Do you think it is hereby otherwise? S first few soft-erotic images. And more often then ever harder stuff. - Sex and porn addiction are not a fantasy but real medical conditions, the net degree harmless.
's Sex sells - and the porn industry is because even before young children and no support. Our society and the media are so "oversexed", which is the "market" almost impossible to reach except by ever more extreme and becoming younger and younger audiences. Whether or not life is dirty, people are really made relationship unable to bend psychologically so they even become rapists or worse, are not interested as long as the coal flow. What is being done to women and girls who have been subject to these recordings and films, are not interested as long as the coal flow.
How many relationships and marriages break down, or the woman does it wash over and still suffers, because ideas about sex from porn are totally messed up, not interested, as long as the coal flow.
Where as the respect for God?
Where as the respect for your neighbor?
Where as the respect for yourself?

And present times en few comments on the most popular buzz words of the proponents and trivializing:

For those who say "exaggerate times the net! Mer has the people and above all let the kids but their freedom!" - What have you taken drugs? The distorted image of reality that produce must be really cool - tells me know, I try it out. - Freedom? I would even say more slaves to their instincts. Nothing else. If I follow my instinct, like a dog in heat (and morally are not really many more) are ruined relationships, marriage, family, rape, injured people, destroyed souls ,..... s in it. Is this the satisfaction of an instinct, the gratification of my personal freedom worth?
slaves of the porn industry and the media - the We funnel all the crap every day. And thus influence our thinking. If last chamber which, over and over again said, shown and exemplified gets, it is believed it sometime when no one is telling the truth.
In Rome it was normal to watch it, if people have killed each other, or have been mauled by animals. That was like the evening program on the box.

And for those who come with the saying: "They're all much earlier band!" - It does time quite right? When I see what most people say, think, think is important (whether on TV or live and in color) I rather the exact opposite impression. And to do things for the chamber is simply too young and should be even better mer of which the finger is not yet ready! Maturity is to just consider what is good and what is not good, and not everything to do what could be done mer. With 12 walk around as if it were mer on men hunting is not ripe. With 12 to try to tow as many girls is not ripe. But that comes out of it when the media have great influence uncontrollably ...

"That has yet given at all times!"
Yes, it has. Prostitution is not in vain as the oldest profession in the world. But it is
so well? There
lie there for longer than prostitution.
are already killing more than prostitution.
Rome, Babylon, Greece - just a few examples - The sexual excesses were not the cause but the symptom of a sick society that destroyed itself and the outside pressure against anything could set.

And my favorite phrase can bring
Appetite mer yes. You eat at home!
Such a nonsense!
Who looks to for 2 hours in a gourmet temple to steaks and stuff and then go home and enjoy hamburgers and potatoes? - Honest. If mer has established itself as hunger, dat tastes half as good.
Few people reflect the beauty ideal, which propagated in the media. And everyone is getting older. If then, that only thing that is attractive to the other, and what the relationship "building", it is no wonder if it is broken.
It is violated if the husband / friend to see Staring other women to turn because aufgeilt and jerks. - "But only images are" - Yes, you hit. But cheating begins in the mind. - Check a best again by the beginning of that day. - How would you feel if you told would get, who your wife / girlfriend finds everything sharp and imagine the jump in the box? - It's hurtful and disrespectful. Disrespectful
their wives to train the (hopefully) will never be so without any self-respect, and all power to do what women in porn's which seem to be open to everything and seemingly satisfy every fantasy. - Reminder: imagination = not real!
And then wondered why's home is with one's wife net, as has mer's imagined?
imagination = not real! If
wondered why's net is so often?
imagination = not real!
think really one, that are doing this all happy? Smile business.
imagination = not real! For many
money selling their self-respect and dignity. Expect such a self-loathing is not from your wife. They are simply too valuable. And the best
: you pulled its shit only pure garnet. All the doing harm only himself and is responsible for what the porn industry and media people (the actors, the direct victims, which run's clean and the indirect victims who have to suffer the consequences) do that.
love is not to ask what my partner can do for me to make me happy - this is selfishness - but what can I do for my partner to make him happy. This is true even now time for sex. And only works when both the love and respect and does not mean that has to do everything with mer, only to satisfy the others. - There is no respect and no respect for others more. Then takes advantage of one another.

I would have a good mind auszukotzen here for several pages because of the subject's not all has been said.
But for now I'm just gets me excited.

"You shall love the Lord your God with all your heart and your soul and with all your mind." This is the first and greatest commandment. And the second is like it: "Thou shalt love thy neighbor as thyself." - Matthew 22 verse 37-39

respect and love God, your (n) next and yourself

In this sense: "KILL DA BUNNY!"

Thursday, January 31, 2008

Actor Long Dong Silver

(un) holy war

...God of revenge...
...God of peace and love...
...wants his people to die for him...
...wants his people to live fore him...
...if you struggle, maybe you goal...
...salvation is for free...
I´m crying out to god, for those, who are betrayed this way!
Lies, bitter lies...
Hate that causes death...
They search the truth, more than we do...
Pray for them. Pray, that they´ll penetrate the lies and face the truth.
God loves them, but they´re denied, by these lies.
My heart is bleeding for them ... But even more
Jesus' heart is bleeding for them ...
... Father forgive them, for they know not, what they do ...
luke 23.34 (King James Version)
Hamas kindergarten


prepareation ... for death ...

cry, and pray for them ...
my God is great ...