Friday, November 21, 2008

Is Colgate Soothe N Seal Discontinued

so then ....

Nachdem ich ma grad schlappe 3 Wochen net online war, kann ich jetz endlich mal wieder was von mir geben. War nicht so geplant, aber hat sich so ergeben :)
Irgendwie ist die Zeitplanung ziemlich ******.
Meiner einer ist naemlich now classified's for dinner. Dat is indeed in and of itself to that easily because I cook dat bit out war, but misery is dat, so dat I'm from 5-7am clamped. And if dat normal program will end by 4 clock, and actually every night at 8 program is again remains to net a lot of time. An hour is really enough net to go to internet cafe and there s little to write about. A line is at least 20 minutes. tight go. - A lucky now dat Chinese again. Dat is much closer.

Tjoa .... What could be enough to mention ... What

net was as real building, that was my grandpa died.
Such was the net really a surprise, because he already make for quite a time no more could, after his Schag, but I've been hoping that I see again en again.
And now I can not even be at the funeral, or my Ma ...
will miss him real, even though I know that it em better now ...

The Lectures are either all in all better from week to week, or I mean this only because I settle myself more and more:) The week before last who had
Ashraf here. Theme was relationships, etc. So net only man / woman / marriage, but also relationship with God, parents, friends .... just everything. Ne was really great week in terms of Lectures.
who then had three Ami's here. "God's kingdom." Ok dat, I was so clever now, net of stools, was good for some s Was linked to better understand. So, from Adam to the end. And the guys were otherwise good shape. But that right picture-Ami's from Texas. As mer se em out Fernsehn presents ;)))))
This week ham who Bas here. En-bred Hollaender:) theme: identity in Jesus + healing. Dat is de ma again completely different caliber! The
Gutste then has to be related to some yet so en table, which chew mer ne first time swallow well and then must vigorously. But that's supposed to be. I'm here to listen to, net wat I know anyway.

Last week was packed ewas, because who should do additionally ne Character Study. Fool me and I have chosen David Koenig. "Stupid is the one who does stupid "Mama Gump would have just said;) net and who knows why, should look up for fun times, there is to read all about King David: In 1st and 2nd Samuel, 1 Kings and Chronicles -.. . Enjoy That's it free with the weekend
I would have had better Jona taken

And Jackie "hates" Mona a bit, because we teach Mona alts Arabic names of animals and mer drive so beautiful junk and can raise people,..)) )
Gamussa = Wasserbueffel / Batta = duck / Bachara = cow / Azad = Loewe

And the Community Creates grows here along better and better. Ok, the better mer learns to know, the more likely rumbles sometimes, but when mer dat net smolder can be dat clarify whatsoever.

ABVV week had again ne who nice action. The pump from the fountain was broken and so is water = 0
was again the motto: "Is it yellow, it is mellow, it is brown, flush it down";)
And then dat beast indeed be exchanged. What this means so much to consider, such as pipe with 40m cable and pump at the other end, hand vertically from NEM hole in the ground. Ouch. My back.
Well. Has passed.

pictures can I unfortunately still do not make it: (
Dat is unfortunately in an internet cafe here so easy .... net

But at least now we know where the outreach is out:) is
's probably just after Christmas via Cairo Uganda.
Somewhere within 60km from the capital.
know who else but closer net. So what who do exactly who and where there are, etc. But Genoa is dat in the next 1-2 weeks, term I think.
'm going to keep going but auf'm.

Sunday and now I'll get out on to beautiful Hattim. As is men-namely-night dinner. Schoen auf'm covered with barbecue:) Is
while en perfectly ordinary high-rise with rooftop devices, but mer can look beautiful for the city.

When the entire can complement hoeffentlich soon!
you soon times!
Your Captain Chaos, the chaos of the South!

PS: I hope done by the transport links here ***** will be best;)

Tuesday, November 4, 2008

Es Footwear What It Means

And again I want ne new week

Tjoa ....
I sit back and think about what I write for this week:) But
diesma'm smarter and I read that stuff before. Is indeed quite in acid wordpad, MS Word gets used if mer is, but what the heck. I'm glad that I at all what did:)

This week was really awesome. Our teacher this week was David Painting and theme was the life of Jesus and en bit more detail what He has done everything and all that. It was really awesome, because it has much more background knowledge, eg the political, cultural and social added. If everything in the chamber's image does pay attention to details and understand what Jesus did and some mer mer previously observed garnet has really. And the man is brilliant ne way it to a short text about the chamber may read about it so easy to bring to life and with life dat link. I love that because if mer net from the area and has no knowledge about Jewish traditions and stories may mer net soo much understand.
He has, in principle, beginning with Adam and why it all. And the links between Jesus and Satan and Adam and us and you, too, the whole world!
Dat mer erstma must digest. But awesome. The man's really it. Interesting and dat where is: No matter how much the white and stuff. He has ne way about him, dat mer is never found stupid or small. Ne ingenious way to teach, easy.

Tuesday night was also pretty awesome. At the open evening Mustafe was back and I think there was some spin on the head:) - Have not thought at the beginning: "How in the world is that the work, but then God told me to tell me time to relax and pay attention to HIM and the net on the problem as Peter Net broadcast on the waves, but on Jesus then drinks from mer also net:...) - has impressed him most, I think, could be prayed for the people just to .. he has never seen before or experienced and that was one of his first questions: "You talk real with God?" - Ham after the benediction still for quite a time talking with him and I think really, does a lot because at the moment . I'm curious times.

The street work was good this week. The beginning was indeed really so "come on, who better to go home!", But it 'who wanted to give up ham nochma who pray and then three Muslims from Bangladesh over the feet stumbled, and then tell ma Muslims about Jesus. Although Cyprus is a Christian, is dat net so easy! I can dat net. 'm Just the type of the net to go to people and loslabert. Is for me the absolute horror show.
But the evening I was with Dilgesh way and has taken over the rest more or less. Because he was so en Muslim, the whole anderst me speak them. He chatters yes net as I am, with DCC purely Christian / Western background, but from experience how it is when mer as a Muslim comes to Jesus.
The three were at the beginning rather surprising, but who really just ham which explains just what's going on and quite flowery Dilgesh has historical connections, and, according to Islam, and pointed out the differences.
were the end, the guys really interested and I hope se appear at the open evening. Curiously enough were se schonmal yes. But more than
can tell who is what Los yes net. The rest is our job from dad.
hope that night was enough to present Holy Spirit)

Thursday ham you made and then NEN "movie night". Laptop, projector, popcorn, cola, chips and cookies, and "I Am Legend."
Is net so completely what the expected mer at Ner DTS as a film program would, however, was soooo muckel:)
Jackie added that half of the film with NEM pillow placed in front of the face and bitched, but could go out but then se net;)
I like the quote from Bob Marley: "The evil in the world treats herself no day off so I do not either."
OK, the old hemp head was indeed really en net model of lifestyle, but that he had once got it real.

Friday, according to the Lectures:

were lazy on Saturday who nochma in Larnaca on the beach. Although I really want to net, because dat are alts again 20 Euronen transportation costs (the bulk ..... buses here as in Germany on Saturday quite rare) but because we go next Sa.nach Paphos, which is then nothing. And then it will be so slow ma cooler (finally!) But then is nich lie more with the beach.
Ham made us then there ma so nen really nice lazy day. Entertainment and who had also diesma: All afternoon en small jet ski race was on the beach. And dat net was absolutely the slowest carrots:) have
Most of the time but I overslept because I was quite ko of the week. Learning is dependent strain and unlike at home I wake up here at least once a night on. Is net so the most relaxing sleep ....
And en wonderfully unhealthy, greasy, delicious McDoof menu have who are indulged in the end continued)
wonder Schoen is also time and again when Elias or so, the trades quips with one of our girls:))) Arab culture VS Western emancipation - flavorful !!
Dat kinda great:) nice talk about after calming independence in McDoof he takes Sannah's tray and lets dat of Parmis are "You can help yourself It's your culture.." loooooooool - everything goes in the fun, but dat face Parmis was unbezahlbat:) shot OK Last Saturday isser something about's goal also and Mona had hunted with NEM flip-flop and the rest of us stood in front of screaming laughter on the floor:))) )
Sunday were back in service in the Goethe-Institut. I like the guys from the Anglican Church, but according as who preaches, I do not understand a word. African accent is amiss. Dat Goethe-Institut is, however, in no man's land between the south and the Turkish-occupied North. Usually no problem, but is funny when his passport mer must put up to visit NEN worship.
But there is also quite muckel. Must visit. Maybe I can borrow as well as ma s German book from the library. Why did I fool even more with net taken? 'm Really into judgment net so that I will miss it so as to read and speak German!
But fortunately are here, too few en German. As can relax ma mer language. However, I remember dat
, et is really hard time being, to switch from English to German!
'll see if I have ma de weeks time, then I can hopefully look at ma NEM German / English couple over, the first in Turkey and have lived here now for 3 years in Cyprus. The ham I just anyway invited to come to the coffee gone. Also ma what else:) but I've
Sun afternoon spent horizontal. Dat dat was ma first here dat I was blown away by the headache was crap am. Well does happen.
Too bad dat I then had to spend the whole evening trying to write my weekly journal. * * Grmpf

And here is what I most circulations sinker, is the fact the chamber has actually no way to pull themselves back ma. Although I find the whole chaotic bunch here and I'm usually happy among people, but I really miss being able to do my door behind me and no one bothers me. Quite simply its rest have ...
Without privacy, I turn the wheel really
Well. Must match up next March.

Schnaggi Hey! One should also be mentioned: Grill cheese comes mostly from Cyprus;)
Is so ne Art culinary trademark. Halloumi heist dat stuff and a factory and factory store is about 50 m s distance from us. Treats;)
Even if it may seem: Nix with chemistry. All natural.

Sun Dat was present mA model something:) But now I've
too tired to type, and immediately there's the evening meal and then is open evening.
you soon ma, your Splissmeister!

PS: to the Dat Overdrivungen works so slowly and in English;) for
But a I've already NEN rebuke from our dad get personally. Since I will probably have to also halt to something again.