Saturday, August 22, 2009

Normal Neck Size Women

24.08.2009, 20:20 clock: CONTACT HIGH

Diabolo presents:
globetrotter in CinemaxX

as Pulp Fiction 1994, not only a great film directors generation of enthusiastic, but also in Cannes and skims at the box office, was the deserved success even less beautiful flowers. The remaining 90 years was the global independent scene, at least, felt only from Quentin Tarantino imitators. An imitator followed the next, with the hip totliefen quotes quickly and hardly any spectators on the telly let alone lured into a theater. Meanwhile, Tarantino seemed to wave over. But now spill still a laggard, plus one from Austria, in German cinemas. But - wait for it - this is good news. For Michael Glawogger Kiffer-gangster-Western-road-movie comedy "Contact High - The Good, The Bad & The Bag" is about wacky Quote cinema at it's best:
The centerpiece is a bag that pulsates constantly, just as they would consist of extraterrestrial tissue. The gay Vienna junkyard owner Harry (Detlev Buck) is for his boss Carlos (Jeremy Strong) travel to Krakow and pick up the bag. But has no real desire to end his best man, and sends the crazy, slightly retarded psychopaths Schorsch (Georg Friedrich). The Formula 1 fool had to make recently, however, his license and therefore can not even go to Poland. He gives the order to the child-hating Takeaway owner Mao (Pia Hierzegger) further the short hand their employees - the dauerkiffenden Max (Michael Ostrowski) and the duration of eating Johann (Raimund Wallisch) - on the train to Krakow is. In the end, all chasing the same time behind the bag, of which nobody knows what's actually in it ...

The parallels to Pulp Fiction are unmistakable. This shoots Vincent (John Travolta), a hostage in the face accidentally, because Jules (Samuel L. Jackson) is allegedly drove over a bump. Also in "Contact High" there is a bump, but instead injected brain only the contents of a cone against the wall. In Tarantino hunt all behind a suitcase, the contents of the viewer is never revealed. This time is it just a bag, with Glawogger the concept still drives to the extreme: After all, the brown leather thing seems to be somehow alive. Finally there's the music that is on "Contact High", as in "Pulp Fiction" integral part of the film. The soundtrack has a direct effect on the action of - and vice versa.

Conclusion: If Quentin Tarantino's Pulp Fiction and Michel Gondry's "The Science of Sleep" meet in Vienna to jointly go to Krakow in a pillow, then "Contact High" out of it. Michael Glawogger psychedelic gangster comedy is self-referential as well as being cut off, throwing lively quotes and smoking-hot Pieces of music around, and as easy a lot of pink mood!

only be seen on: Monday 24 August, 20:20 clock - only in CinemaxX Oldenburg
further information and booking possibility: presents

Monday, August 10, 2009

How Much For Kidney Transplant In China

, It was the moment when my unbelief collapsed '

When the St. Edith Stein, the "Blessed of the Cross" for the first time the cross met. By Barbara Wenz.

Cologne ( / ) On most photos of Edith Stein is looking towards us an austere beauty, hair severely parted, hardly a smile, with deep and penetrating dark eyes. A face that closes the viewer strangely. On the last two photos, which are received from her - she wears the dress and the veil of the Secular Carmelite - is strikingly different.

It seems, from the moment when they brought up, an atheist, but in the Jewish faith, the first encounter with the cross and made in the Caramel learned to embrace it more resistant to radiation to their whole being began. The two images by touching the apparent unconditional love and the light that the hl. Teresia Benedicta broadcasts. They are in terrible contrast to the way in which they had come to death, either in the gas chambers at Auschwitz-Birkenau, or "medical" experiments - such as hypothermia experiments - which have taken place.

We may imagine that Sister Teresia Benedicta still in the final minutes of their lives other condemned man stood by praying and comforting, with that confidence in the resurrection, out of her face appears and has the certainty that Jesus Christ himself his bride by the hand and led to him.

Many converts like St. Edith Stein can see in retrospect a pivotal moment that gave the impetus to set out and the way that opens up there, sometimes reluctantly, sometimes brave, go on. At this moment of her life Edith Stein, the meeting with Anna Reinach is deeply devout Protestant Christian, in the war 1917. Anna Reinach had become a very short, very happy marriage with her husband, Adolf, lecturer in philosophy, to war widow.

They then asked Edith Stein, to come to Göttingen to the sighting of the scientific legacy of Professor Reinach to assist. Edith Stein wanted to do a lot but like probably most people in such a situation they feared an encounter with a desperate widow. What you can do, say, how should one react in the face of such tragedy? Is it in the face of such loss ever give comfort?

Edith Stein made in the expectation of having to Göttingen to find a completely broken Anna Reinach, who, moreover, could be as non-believers, not much human intervention. But it should come completely different. opened in Göttingen a brilliant and incredibly confident - because believing in the cross and the resurrection - and strong woman her the door. The hl. Edith Stein wrote later, shortly before her death, very clear-sighted about this moment.

"It was my first encounter with the cross and the divine power that informs his sources I saw for the first time in the redemptive suffering . Christ was born church in their victory over the sting of death palpably before me It was the moment that broke my disbelief faded Judaism and Christ there shone: Christ in the mystery of the cross so I could say even with my garb no other desire. as named in the Order 'of the Cross' to be. "

came three years later during a stay in Bergzabern in the house Conrad-Martius, the all-important experience. The couple's friends from home and takes from the Edith . "That is the truth" bookcase, the autobiography of Teresa of Avila and read, then handed the book in one night all the way it should have declared - and this set is all the more remarkable because he was a trained philosopher and atheist Jewish woman has spoken.
Edith Stein buys a catechism and a missal and studied the Catholic faith, they decided in that particular August night to accept. When she asks Bergzabern priest to baptize them, which however, is reluctant because he believes it would take before that lesson, she asks him to examine it too easy on the spot. Edith Stein, accustomed to the study, has prepared well and he has no answer. On 1 January 1922 she received the holy sacrament of baptism in the church of St. Martin in Bergzabern, shortly there her first Holy Communion.


Wednesday, August 5, 2009

All Nighter Stove Plans

10:08:09, 20:45 clock: COASTER

globetrotter in CinemaxX Oldenburg

One of the absolute bright spots of this year's Berlinale, is undoubtedly the documentation ROLLERCOASTER to life Norbert Witte's been, and now it is finally with us to see in the cinema and everyone can be convinced that the praise of press and public are fully deserved:

Born in Hamburg, Norbert Witte wrote at the beginning of the millennium Germany's headlines when he rode the Berlin Spree in Treptow Park Plänterwald with 15 million € in the chalk and lined up a whopping queue of 160 creditors. 2002, Witte and his family sat and various rides from illegal to Peru in order to start over. The break failed, but the debt remained. With a risky drug business, where he wanted to ship 167 kilos of cocaine in a carousel to Germany was planning to redevelop the Witte, but it ruined his marriage and brought not only himself but also his then 20-year-old son Marcel behind bars. But while Witte at the time of the arrest of a chance because of heart surgery in Germany stayed where it was in May 2008 released early from prison, it has caught son Marcel significantly worse. He still sits in jail in Peru and fears every day in extreme conditions of detention for his life. The attempts of the family, get him released by bribes, have failed all of them ...
The greatest pound Doerfler film is its protagonist: Norbert Witte, heart and soul performers and son of the impostor Otto Witte, is such a colorful and exciting personality that the mere retelling of the Life would be a bank already. But villagers also has a sensitive cinematic flair. He staged the now-overgrown ruins Spreepark as almost surreal place that bears witness of what used to be. It would have been easy to demonstrate the dubious Norbert Witte, as it did about the Berlin daily press. This error does not villagers, he goes beyond the headlines and takes a keener eye on the person. For all its faults radiate Witte sheer charisma, and is sometimes even charming. He confesses his sins while acknowledging they play but also down. Doerfler succeeds effortlessly, the gamut of emotions to play up and down. "Rollercoaster" is tragic, menacing, dramatic and often funny, because the performers family is just so steadfast and has found her own attitude to the world.
"roller coaster" is a colorful, finely drawn character and environment study, which offers everything a gripping documentary that is: highly interesting characters, a ludicrous story and an atmospheric production, which is the Format Cinema proves worthy and well ranked above the level of the usual television reports.

only be seen on: Monday 10 August at 20:45 clock - only in CinemaxX Oldenburg
further information and booking possibility: