Atheism - Nothing new ...
"Take heed that no one entices you with his philosophy and false teachings, which were based only on human tradition, according to the elemental powers of the world, not according to Christ."
This rate reflects a common discussion between atheists and the faithful people. Many deal with the Theam Habne already heard similar. Actually, the phrase is not new.
true, the proposition is not new. It is almost 2000 years old and is from Paul (1 Letter to the Colossians). A tent-maker, who received a theological education from leading Jewish theologians has added this sentence and put on the shows you 2000 years ago already had the same discussions, like today. Even with the same arguments regarding the Naturwissenschaftfen (elemental spirits) and atheistic philosophy.
The interesting thing is that the words of Paul to the present day are valid, but not only his words but his answers. That's the fascinating thing about the Bible. It is full of such amazing responses and the reason why the Bible is for many people the way to God.
For that Paul might still have been so clever, his words still apply not only because of his intelekt, but also because he is the Holy Spirit has be guided.
The "Holy Spirit", which is the personal relationship with God which every man can have. This relationship with God makes it possible to grow beyond itself.
This relationship with God is very important for us Christians, but it is the testimony of God incarnate.
Who will not believe reading the Bible and think how can it be that such old words apply to the present. Coincidence?
From this there are many coincidences in the Bible. Anybody who has been involved in accidents sometimes do the same with any farther accident decreases the probability rapidly that it really is random. Where
you do not need the Bible to God, to learn to know the Holy Spirit. You must believe only in God and handed over his desires and needs God.