If you talk to atheists is often geared to the many atheists set your world on the theories of evolution. The researchers made the evolutionary biologist Dawkins and the great prophets of atheism is necessary, therefore, no one surprised. The theories of evolution are the foundation for many of the atheistic world view.
very happy to say the atheists of the "holy books" of religions, the theories of evolution are not mentioned and one reason alone anything religious is to be in doubt. These doubts would be entitled if, in the holy books - would go to science - for example in the Bible. But that's not the topic of the Bible. is in the Bible it to God, it is about people who have experiences with God and it is also important questions to ask and bad show. Natural sciences are not in the Bible and that's a good thing. For there is a "division of labor" between the sciences and the religions:
The natural sciences explain the how, the why the religions.
Therefore, from a religious point of view you can never explain how the species have evolved that there are natural laws that affect how these ... and much more.
Therefore, from a scientific point of view you can never explain why it is you and me what the meaning of Life is whether God exists and what is love.
Do the atheists, Dawkins and especially wrong when they argue on the basis of science that one can not prove God? No, not at all. Because this question was raised just outside of the natural sciences and can be answered only outside of the science. Any attempt to answer this question in science must fail.
Dawkins and have him with many atheists, but wrong if they give the impression they might make on the basis of scientific knowledge statements about God and religion.
What are the theories of evolution? Theories to explain how life arose on Earth is. There are very plausible theories, but until now largely still very inaccurate. Thus, there are currently six different theories of evolution, without which one can now truly say exactly which one is right. Thus, the evolutionary theories are not wrong, but they are not suitable as the basis for a world view or their argument against religion.
The theories of evolution are not a dogma, it is to be defended against criticism. If the theories of evolution, they also bear their critics, then with any criticism to this theory further.
Are there serious alternatives to the theories of evolution? From a scientific perspective, not until today. However, it is an interesting Approach of a bridge between religions and science suggests: The theistic evolution. That is not to further "evolution", but can go to the very successful attempt to build a bridge to each believer his faith and science will be reconciled. For Christians make is not a problem, other religions have no clear distinction can (eg, Islam) have been rather difficult.
"The first drink from the cup of science makes atheist, but at the bottom of the beaker waits God." - Werner Heisenberg
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