Wednesday, May 19, 2010

My Sons Jaw Is Swollen

USA - Highly gifted is not enough

Sylvia Zinser

people who end up in the secret universe of Sylvia Zinser - in, Sylvia Zinser's hodgepodge ' - have to fight against temptations: What would be because first? Cistercian bread, red fruit jelly or Lübeck Dabrowski's theory? The range of information, recipes and tips seems endless - a professional and practical. Sylvia Zinser author draws from the rich pool of experience and knowledge: She studied at the universities Mainz, Frankfurt, Konstanz, and the Northeastern Illinois University / USA, studying Magistra (Gifted Education) is to graduate and PhD physicist. She lives with her husband and children in Chicago, Illinois, and offers advice for families with gifted children.

In an interview with the 'giftedness world' says Sylvia Zinser of giftedness and high ability, one day of giftedness', IQ tests, as well as similarities and differences in the cultures.

giftedness World: Who to Google the word "maximum talent ' enters receives currently 12 000 entries - either first or second place is your contribution through, giftedness and high ability '. How can you tell the difference between gifted and highly gifted? And is there a difference in lived high ability in Germany and the United States of America?

Sylvia Zinser: My conglomeration has its origin in the 90 years, so in a time when the put the Internet in its infancy. At that time I was working with an ASCII-browser over a slow modem connection. My motivation was that I could hardly find online children's songs. So put which I myself online. Since then, the collection expanded to include a lot of different topics, always according to my particular interests and the respective short supply.

The subject talent began to move, as my oldest son started reading at age three (that was still in Germany), and then later, when I here in the U.S. for a lot of information about Giftedness OCCASION. During my studies, "Gifted education" then it was my heart, as soon as possible to "export" the contents to Germany because I was aware that many children were not sufficiently supplied by their school and Some information, such as the theory Dabrowski, not known really was. And yet this construct describes a very precise and valid potential qualities of talented people. ECHA's program at the time was just emerging, and specialized teachers very rarely. Most talent came at some point in my sights, as my elder from our school for gifted children not got enough food. An Internet search showed the way at that time only two or three hits in Germany.

By definition, you tell the difference between giftedness and talent at the highest test result. With an IQ over 145 you are very talented, gifted 130-145. The difference from the norm (IQ 100) So once another standard deviation. In real life it looks but they do not. Not every gifted test with a score higher than 130, and not all extremely gifted tests on 145th

However, there are other indicators. Generally I would for adults (and older children) said that the higher the, the more talent or more intensive idiosyncrasies a person. These individual features can look very different. Some are extremely sensitive to sensory stimulation (noise, taste, etc). The next are very creative or musical. Other people have a tremendous emphasis on their individuality. Still others have perseverance and focus on their work or their project. Many gifted students have high interest not only in one direction, but in completely different areas. Giftedness is also analytical thinking skills. Things become more intense and well thought out questions, as does the surrounding area.

takes this opportunity a highly talented man and himself under the microscope - self-doubt sometimes to the point, or even depression. Maximum gift is a total personality picture. Several of these properties described come together and can even indicate a high talent when no clear results are indicated. Annemarie Roeper, one of the local pioneers of the subject goes even further and has developed its own method, based on observation of the person. She seems to be able to determine exactly their method giftedness to a few percentage points (The same subjects were later a regular IQ test subject).

There are psychologists who say also that with the ability to increase or asynchrony is striking. I think that is true for a lot of highly gifted children, in adults, but the back have grown.

Not everyone is a gifted high-flyers in academia. In the U.S., many high school dropouts and highly talented. You simply can not cope with the system and the system is not with them. In this context, we often find that gifted beyond their own border, its social barriers, to do things that "man" does not.

women are often not as noticeable, because the typical gender distribution and a striving for harmony with the environment and has many highly talented women of the neighborhood you normally gifted adapt has said and done here, however.

Generally speaking, the population of the most talented high and is about as diverse as the general population.

The transition is fluid, not the maximum talent clearly separated from the high talent. In some research an IQ of up to 145 is defined as "ideal": People in this area have less difficulty adapting to the environment. Abnormalities such as in the social sector connect more frequently at higher IQ, so at the most talented.

articles about life in the United States as high or very talented man: a comparison to provide for adults is difficult. But I think there is a reason why people emigrate from Germany to the USA: "The American Dream" - the chance to realize himself, some time to roll up the center of life his career entirely to start over, all this is more common in the States. Career is organized in Germany and a sudden change of employers is not often regarded as positive.

On the other hand, the university education in Germany is still high quality - more aligned to lead independent thinking. In the U.S. there are at renowned universities in part multiple-choice tests in physics - a test-type, which in our study would have been unthinkable.

adolescents and young adults are trained to be specialists, but to see the big picture, they learn not necessarily. Gifted children should and want to but just that: an education that will open their prospects of being able to rise above boundaries, which in Multipotentialität justice.

My comparison of the education in the U.S. and Germany is of course a bit unfair, because I found the training from the 80's in Germany with the ones in the U.S. compare. In two years, when my eldest son has his first semester in Germany behind, I can once again make a comparison ...

giftedness world you practice and love sports, music, politics and literature. And you know what items can be identified by the gifted / talented students maximum - in your view, what world-famous celebrities from sports and music, politics and literature are particularly gifted?

Sylvia Zinser: Oh dear ... This is a very difficult question for me because I really only people up close, direct contact to assess can.

get my information from either the radio or the newspaper, barely out of the television, which complicates the assessment of celebs ever. Barack Obama I think is highly intelligent, not because I agree 100% with his policies but because he goes beyond borders, for example in the selection of its employees. The U.S. well-known Chicago Erin Oprah seems very high to be on the scale with her empathy and engagement with the diverse groups of people and their interest in completely different topics.

Sally Edwards (triathlon), I think is very intelligent, she also breaks Boundaries in their field. One of her goals is to inspire women to the sport, consider themselves not just once for athletic. At the races organized by it difficult to see prominent ladies who successfully mutate to amateur athletes. Last, in these races, but no one, because Sally Edwards claimed that space for themselves. To stay in Triathlon: Faris Al-Sultan is also in the category of cross-border and free spirits, try the new, creative work with their profession and are constantly evolving and know pretty much what they do.

Frank Schirrmacher is an example from the media with his informed Criticism of the electronic media and its use, criticism on conditions that are easy to swallow the population and accepted.

I now have available some few people who have defied their own borders or barriers imposed by society. Of course this list is far from complete. Also, I am afraid I can not dare to make an accurate assessment of the IQ of a person or to draw in assessing the boundary between giftedness and high ability - and certainly not on the distance.

giftedness World: How to identify gifted Adults, if a path to a psychologist - to psychologist - is worth to get tested? Is there such a thing as "safe / hard facts" and such a thing as "soft facts" regarding the security of being gifted? And what maximum talent is detected?

Sylvia Zinser: A good indicator are gifted parents, siblings or children. According to statistics are different first degree relatives of more than 10 or 15 IQ points from each other. That's right, of course, not always, when in addition there learning disabilities or weaknesses can vary enormously, the IQ again. But a good rule of thumb is it already. It is very common, especially among mothers (permanent home parents) that they analyze retrospectively their childhood when their child has been tested as highly gifted. Own character will be found that match the nature of the child and the comparison inevitably comes, the feeling of never having to fit, and at some point the question of her own talent.

It may be a negative impact on parents and child when parents try to what they themselves did not live out of their child, but this need not be so. It can also mean a liberation for the father described, the mother described as that they find the courage to question their own borders.

can also be an indicator of school success. Moderate notes, however close a high-talent is not enough. The most famous example is Albert Einstein, who was not in school to the first.

The softer factors I have described above in the first question already, but these are not really easy to identify the individual person, people keep their own sensitivity to be normal, eg a noise or odor sensitivity is not immediately connected with high ability but perhaps even a nuisance. Intelligent people often feel attracted to other intelligent people and so far fall in the idiosyncrasies of friends then not so much.

A reliable detection of a high aptitude or distinguishing between giftedness and high ability is really only possible with a test. One problem is that the current provision in Germany IQ tests a maximum IQ of 155-160, higher IQs can not be tested. In isolated areas of the tests can be used for a very talented person ever go off the questions, which reduces the total value.

The Person is thus triggered by analogy when jumping to the ceiling, and if you added together all the different jumps, the total jump height been too low. During testing, one should look at each sub-test and therefore not only the total.

testing in the U.S. theoretically go up further. I think the standard IQ tests underestimate both the States and in Germany the number of the most gifted (and talented) people. My feeling is that the bell curve of ability is not really a bell curve, because there seems to be extremely gifted more than the Gaussian statistics expected. That would actually be even an interesting research project.

to get a psychologist or psychologist is particularly necessary when problems occur, such as the self-esteem suffers, to obsessive or addictive behavior develops, or if an adult does not know why he has trouble with his environment to deal or how he can find his way in life.

However, this is a huge barrier for many people - a visit to the psychologist is affected in Germany, as in the U.S. with a stigma. One way this barrier is scaling it to perform a Mensa test for rough assessment of their own intelligence. If the own environment also has an active Mensa group work, you may have killed two birds with one stone: we know about its own giftedness and can meet people who have understood better. However, you should consult a psychologist still, if the problems persist, but then have an idea why you have problems.

giftedness world complain in forums gifted adults they are faced with disadvantages when other people - know that they are gifted - colleagues, neighbors. From your experience: Is this just a problem in Germany - or is it envy this factor in the U.S.?

Sylvia Zinser: At the risk now to connect to several feet, I do not think it sent, if adults mention their own giftedness, except to very close friends. Most people mean by giftedness "higher intelligence", and nothing more. That sounds like a gold treasure, a desirable commodity. That this treasure, therefore, is not without a huge weight understand only experts, non-experts do not understand what is happening in their talented neighbors and be jealous of the external.

I know not know if jealousy has only to do directly with high ability or with success, with self-realization of highly talented people. With success, I do not mean external wealth but rather internal: a joy in their work, while the neighboring malocht a satisfaction perhaps to an undesirable job. On the other hand, there are external unsuccessful gifted and there could be neighbors and friends ask why they are not richer than when they are so smart but - the envy of schadenfreude.

The giftedness can not be seen individually but only in relation to the total personality. There are studies that show that the percentage increases of the introverted person with the IQ. Neighbors of introverts are not considered socially happy, what then mutated into "who considers himself well for something better" and "Well, he's just gifted." But this is international, I think, and found in the United States as well as in Germany.

Compared Germany against USA, I believe that the early development of children is common. Kindergartens and preschools to go here with the alphabet and numbers as to how to use toys - children can deal with it if they want. Envy towards children or competition, which child reads before I have experienced little, this envy is more common in sport, when the friend of her own child in the school football team has been included, but not his own child.

giftedness world giftedness little further considered - including the gifted / highly gifted children - what are the problems which are the gifted today, especially among the nails?

Sylvia Zinser: There are now more teachers who are aware of the issue, as There were 9 years. There are a number of primary schools, to deal very well with the gifted provide them project work, they do not consistently as a supply teacher, but would give them extra food. At such schools, these children feel good. What I think is still underdeveloped, but is that giftedness is not purely academic, yes. These children are often very clearly "different" to collect, for example, and identify bugs from the grass during the classmates play soccer. It is often difficult for gifted children to find friends, have the same or similar intense interest. Sometimes these children feel like from another planet.

I think it is important that highly intelligent children are aware of their high or maximum gift and learn what can make everything come in the combination pack. Only then can they understand their feelings and characteristics compared with their classmates. In the same context, children must also have the chance to meet like-minded people. If schools could offer some lessons for the "faster" children would be helped a lot. needs additional work, of course, for the small group of the most talented, because they do not exist in the view of many teachers and principals. One of my professors at Northeastern has once put it this way: A Child with IQ 160 feels a gifted class for children with IQ 130, as well as a child with IQ 130, a regular school class feels. Above all, parents need to really put across to find these children's friends, mentors, or pen pals.

Otherwise there is the group of children who are not tested as gifted, but show very clearly all the characteristics of gifted children. If schools, for example, more accurately from only a measured IQ of 120 look, and these children anböten extra food, they would be helped. I read again and again that school principals and teachers focus too much on the magic 130, without the specific test to take a closer look. should be in every school authority be someone employed who can read the tests that can analyze whether perhaps there is a part-giftedness, or a learning disability.

this have such "irregular" children are more difficult to fit into the system. You use part of their intelligence to compensate for their weakness (n), on days on which they are to successfully push their success, they often to external factors (luck, nice teacher, etc.), and a failure to ascribe to themselves alone. These children need someone who understands their asynchrony, promotes the strengths, not weaknesses but ignored by the child is planning how it can evolve.

And lastly, parents should not be condemned by their surroundings because they encourage their children. Parents do the right thing: they give their child intellectual fodder. With parental support can accelerate the learning of facts perhaps, but not that is a math genius from a normally gifted child.

giftedness world what should be done in your view? What are your personal expectations of politics, economy, science, media and churches?

Sylvia Zinser: I think it here with the Bible - specifically with the talent parable. A man gives his servants different, but huge sums of money (talents) to manage. Two use the money to act, and act until they achieve the double. The third buries his share in the world. All people have different talents in different intense expression. Everyone has a right to use these talents to multiply. Talent should not be wasted but buried in the basement used to benefit the family, the economy, its own country and of humanity.

talents can flourish only when children in kindergarten or the school can work on their level, when children and young people can immerse themselves in long-term projects, if the school they asked them to think deeply, analyze relationships, create new ways to evaluate what they do and thus learn to find its own problems to attack and solve. These are objectives that can not be queried by multiple choice.

I do not deny the meaning and purpose of PISA, but schools must not teach with the goal of better test statistics (This is even more extreme in the U.S.). There are so few gifted that promotion would be statistically irrelevant.

So what to do science? The definitions must be revised. An IQ test is not everything, there are other ways to find gifted students, parents, teachers and self-nomination to culture-independent tests. Again, testing should be developed, which measure about IQ 160th I am aware of the statistical difficulty, but I think it is necessary. A concept is unfortunately only proven and therefore face the population justified if it is measurable.

The school policy should enshrine a right to support for gifted children and for Finance also made available. Some simple measures such as Akzelerierung are not even expensive and are usually effective, according to research.

The economy could project opportunities for children and adults provide. It would be nice if talented people have an opportunity to pursue research ideas, children in competitions such as Youth Research, adults in their spare time maybe.

should also farms career changers face open and not reported as a decline in the CV.

giftedness world What contribution could make an annual and international "Day of giftedness? Who should call him and escorted into the life?

Sylvia Zinser: In the U.S., yes it an incredible variety of designated days ("speech-like-a-Pirate-Day, Environment Day," "...- Memorial Day, etc). A day of high ability, if initiated, may not perish. One possibility would be to use such a day to train teachers. Another to organize exhibitions of works by the gifted.

Such an exhibition of art can include poems in addition to research. Effective that day is but only if the media help to ensure the dissemination and if farms and municipalities gifted as sponsors stood to the side. The artists, writers and researchers would then, however, in their works and works are to explain their motivation to interact with visitors and engage in discussions on the subject to show that they, like any other human beings with feelings, interests and preferences are. Not everyone could afford to gifted interest contributions, but such exhibitions were a way to bridge and reduce prejudices.

Better than one-day events would, however, fixed forums, clubs or cafes, where one is accepted as a talented person, and again can imagine works and ideas, perhaps you can just relax and can chat to other like-minded people. These would have all year, or at least be open regularly, and imagine rotating works and projects of those present. I would of course do not require that such authors bring their IQ test.

general, the goal should be to celebrate the talents of all kinds.

Since are a number of years here in the U.S., the Davidson Institute for Talent Development. This organization, founded by a couple who sold his software empire to put significant sums of money in order to promote maximum gifted. Every year there are meetings, children get together and play board games and other games together. Completely non-social children suddenly fit into a random community, as one would not expect it. A similar organization in Germany would be a possible model for promoting maximum gifted.

giftedness world hard to imagine - but you will also now and then have time to dream: From what you dream about - what do you want for your life? What visions do you have?

Sylvia Zinser: use My talents in different directions. Again taking singing lessons. Triathlon to coach. To found a school for gifted younger when we return from the U.S. to Germany. to qualify for Ironman Kona. And to find the time for all that:)

Thank you.

Interview with Sylvia Zinser led Lilli Cremer-old currency for the world's giftedness.

Dr. Sylvia Zinser
http : / / / ZinserHochbegabung

Skinny Women With Big Bobs

Switzerland - From the marketing director for Coach

Jona Jakob

Jonah Jacob works as a coach for adults. He describes himself by saying, "Professionally, he is originally in marketing at home. As a private man, he is living his dream and thanks to unusual Lebensvielfältigkeit the ability to give with his knowledge and character for some people. He loves to talk, out now and then a boat and you can talk to him about Emil Cioran, Albert Camus, Michel Houellebecq. He is a man to whom nothing human is alien. Its value-free attitude in meetings he has people in discovering their dreams, ideas, and objective guide supportive. His own imprints of giftedness and high sensitivity enable it for people with these same backgrounds and experiences to be understanding and sensitive as. Jonah Jacob coaching practices are in Zurich and Frankfurt. In an interview with giftedness world speaks . He has his life, his duties and his dreams "(End quote)

giftedness world used to say: From rags to riches. In your headline is: From the marketing director for Coach. What prompted you to give the scepter of power, marketing 'out of hand - and a gifted and / or highly sensitive people - temporarily - to put in the center of your thinking and feeling?

Jonah Jacob led me to decide either to take me to the intellectual property of my patron or me to emancipate them. My decision was influenced by the existentialist philosophical thoughts and my education, to free myself better in the critical distance for me to subordinate mental age of 34. I knew I might not classify me, I would suffer too much and made me feel so independent. That was 13 years ago.

It was my teacher and advisory activities and were more often from the project-based contracts, personal consultations. Although I discussed human life, was already in school and later in youth gang, the bundled coaching four years ago to focus on my work, three of them with the discovery my own imprints of high talent and high sensitivity.

The recognition of these influences on me was so strong in flesh and blood that I could see my life as a whole and understand. I saw my colorful, my strengths, but I also saw all the misunderstandings, conflicts, uncertainties and losses, which never really in my whole understanding of this difference were not then known to the 'normal people'. Initially, I was happy once over the newly arising opportunities. Only with some time lag, I also went to the unpleasant moments before approaching the years and there was actually even a tear or two. It would be have been unimaginable a lot better for me about my giftedness (HB) and high sensitivity (HS) earlier decision would have known.

Since learning about and analyzing my HB I had not 'lost', neither human nor material between. can I act without greater awareness ignorance, because I feel better in myself and other encounters, and thus moderate. I have been working successfully for three years and I enjoy a good lifestyle. That the knowledge gained to HB and HS possibilities of moderation, the change in communication and high motivation because of the good results, leave it in me to rest Grow up people take this issue further. It is a wonderful gift to be able to make adults with their personal giftedness familiar with them work out their own shares in it and they can be examined together. It is available in most meetings a facilitating joy of my clients to develop new avenues and opportunities to get out of the old 'misunderstanding drama' to come to a succeeding be together.

I was not 'persuaded' deliberately - since my childhood left me reflective nature - find my way - thank goodness. This is also the way my life stations:

I arrived in Bern born and raised there. At 25 I moved formally to Zurich, because I at a promotional presentation "flat iron" was eloquent. The Zurich had for me an unusually demanding language and already on the way home I felt: "There, I have to go." Since I live in Zurich, probably the most demanding and fast-talking language region of Switzerland. But after more than 20 years, I also no longer served - today I am living in Frankfurt, had a private HBler environment and have once more come to the realization that I need a daily dose of communicative and intellectual debate, or I detected a form of unhealthy lethargy.

Giftedness world your confession: "I like people" sounds on the one hand, of course - we do not all? - On the other hand, is in today's world where almost everyone thinks only of himself and added to the other people less and less genuine interest in a bizarre exception. What fascinates you about people?

Jonah Jacob is the sentence I wrote: "My biggest strength is that I have liked people." I am shaped by three partly conflicting schools:

the one hand there is the existentialist-oriented education through my parents. Particularly My father influenced me in this naked-causing form of thought, which is interpreted by most people tend to 'negative'. I can now, however, the bare and Franke also love it. Where else to begin ethics or integrity, if not palliated the bottom of things?

This critical thinking brought me far as a marketing manager in the world of management and led me to larger tasks. influenced the business and management teaching me so far that not only human beings can be the focus, but also tangible goals call for responsibility, which we can let people suffer plenty.

Third, since over 40 years of life completed training as a call advisor, as defined by Carl R. Rogers, who teaches the value-free, person-centered approach, a form of empathic high, value-free acceptance of that which is. These five years of development left me my personality some times go to my reason.

The first part of the sentence to the point that people like to have, points to the self-reflection, because if I ever have strengths and what I think about it for the largest. The second part expresses itself in a profound responsibility that I have been living on my birth parents out, which can again be found on my way in many stories and incidents and for I should not be construed as a blindness, but that the 'like', also the negative, failing, losing, bad, weak, and smelling of humanity includes soaking with. I am in what 'man' can be anything, hardly anything foreign. And I was happy.

Whether it 'bizarre' is to feel such an attitude and say to her, YES or rather the other way round, whether it otherwise could be something to not find such an attitude in itself ... I wish to feel the audience itself?

giftedness world coach you preferably highly talented and highly sensitive people - in Switzerland and Germany. From your perception, what is characteristic in the highly talented coaching? And: Has been shown for a country different? If yes: What is coaching in Zurich, unlike in Frankfurt / Main?

Jonah Jacob First question: I 'prefer' not. I try to accept everyone and then when I get a job, then I support these people in terms of coaching to their concerns and goals.

This brings us to the aspects of the 'Characteristic gifted in coaching. " Although contrived for the definition of giftedness, the measurable image of the intelligence quotient will come together at the points with a Gaussian curve 100 'normal' and 130 points are designated 'gifted', I make my effort. I like the leave, but it does not count for me exclusively. The more pronounced abilities in other areas there, as those that demonstrate a variety of tests than IQ points. Therefore, I change this picture and put it this way: There are 10 nuts and 10-spanner (IQ 100) and there are 11er, 12er, 13er, 14er nuts and matching 11er, 12er, 13er and 14er wrench (IQ> , 110,> 120,> 130,> 140). Everyone knows the problem when, for example in a sink the wrench from the tool box the big nut to 'take' not really get it. Or vice versa if the tool fits well and it is therefore possible to 'capture' the mother. You will not be violated, it does not slip from her, and ... it just fits.

Therefore, the most important aspect for me as a coach for the gifted is that I myself am able, to record the victim or fortunate in its position authentic. This means that people can understand this completely and feel entirely. This seems a basic condition. Is the only way I can empathize with the MUs associated with the HB and HS aspects and empathetic to clients . Accept

Most of the comments from coachee is prompt: "I have never felt myself from someone in such a short time so completely understood." This is reflected in a smooth facial skin sag in sitting positions in emerging laughter, in short, clear sentences (instead of initial repeated four times, just as I do not 'understand').

The second aspect is that I know with their own experiences, the discovery of giftedness as an adult in its diversity. Again, it is not strange to me when adults tell of unspeakable childhoods, in which women in particular should remain untrained, from the left-handed own parents 'Dubelis' were explained and each was unconventional, otherness 'in the village / in the Church' is not tolerated and punishable by fine and by hiding. To remember is that I myself have a 1962 vintage. Many of my clients were born in 1950-1970 and at that time were not many psychosocial aspects of education announced today. The conservative, middle class and church dominated conventions that parents had a former war children to forms of education, youth influenced so many young people are discovering today, as adults, their talent and so many years later find a way to finally be able to flourish. I then not strange, when I people of absence "to Chill" tell of incomprehension, of rejection of many aspects of the conflict-ridden education, the one in his ignorance of the HB-stamping simply could not meet and a child in kindergarten, school or at home has often been observed.

The numerous conflicts in classes, groups, teams, departments, communities, families and clubs are in me on the hand and when I hear of clients, then created in the space of this indescribable feeling of silence already to feel, what we understand right now.

A second characteristic of coaching with gifted is that an understanding is possible, which otherwise did not exist for many years. This leaves people even at the ripe old age, relax, accept, understand and be happy. A coaching with an adult who discovered his high ability and / or its high sensitivity, is the best work that I could ever meet.

The second question: Has shown for a country different? If yes: What is coaching in Zurich, unlike in Frankfurt / Main?

After two years living in Germany, taking the opportunity to get from here to look to Switzerland, I would like to come with a 'bold' reply to the point. My opinion, I experience the two countries in the following different:

In Germany, it announced, been said to provide an answer immediately. The 'immediate' in the answer is partly important because therein lies wisdom. The main thing is what is said right. In Switzerland it is announced and advised to keep being said once the mouth.

That sounds sweeping, it is probably unfair and provocative acts. Both patterns but have their advantages and disadvantages. Both forms of communication include their wise and also prevented their shares.

This brings in the meeting with the coaching clients a very different situation. In Germany, I was rather in the situation that the customer comes with a high ego-drive, says, thinks, says, argues, and to know many things seem to notice. This drive, which strikes me as often as a unnatural Zsunami, it is far to reassure that the sitting in front of me man can stray from its conditioning of the "delivery time", and then with a confidence gained peace to his own feelings and thoughts to go. In Germany, customers are downright amazed that a coaching conversation can be characterized by a lot of peace, serenity and relaxation, yet hergibt more than the supposedly clever and quick exchange of blows. Also enjoy a lot to learn in the privacy of a kind of space, which can hold their own feelings court, which the conversation is entirely at the client and only he or she is at the center of attention.

The reverse is in Switzerland. Here comes a impenetrability initially more of silence. The first details will remain on the outside or surface, and only with time, the events described and reported in excellent truthful words. These preliminary remarks have sometimes Resinous, viscous and appear to be not yet felt the bottom of the 'personal Sentiments' of the client. 'Underachievement', understatement, as it knows the experts on the subject of giftedness, in my opinion in Switzerland is a very popular form of appearance, which is expressed often associated with higher distress. Dramatic was seen once that a mother passed on this repressed silence to her daughter, now in faith encouraged to do so for their child the best and thus keep them from their pain.

which relative silence again usually helps: The HB-embossing, the spirits of these colorful, it always knows to give a story the best because there is always something there, so a start can be made. , which led to a breaking up and expressing empathic understanding, a sympathy and relief of suffering, I do not sit too rare of a crying face, which begins to laugh merrily and radiant hervorzublicken.

One thing I want but do not know wrong. I work as a coach. A coach is given the mandate to reach someone with a goal. That may be, first of all aims to work out or get a job, to prevent bullying, to make better decisions (self-employment, investment, change in orientation), talks to prepare negotiations (interview, wage negotiations, Annual talks) or a choice to take a training course, or they will get through and succeed.

If someone with his HB or HS has a psychological need to lose as distress or trauma work up, it is not in the area of a coaching job. A coaching does not replace psychotherapy. A coaching remains a self-help, which is a form of management is one's own life, for my own leadership. In a coaching is the customer contracts in willing to self-responsibility, make your own process itself and optimize.

giftedness world What do you do to optimize highly talented people their lives? And how do you do it?

Jonah Jacob If coaching is concerned with issues of their own self and life, or the conduct of the work situation, then it goes here content mostly to decisions of the "HOW?". For this I have just told of the possibility of 'moderate' life with knowing one's own HB better.

The person-centered approach of Carl R. Rogers tries to feel that clients feel their own possible solutions / so that they can recognize and choose their possible steps that they personally want to do next.

Such approaches can I add from my side with philosophical ideas in the field values. The same with the laws of economics, management and leadership. Also help various methods such as circular questions, or if appropriate, the provocative paradoxical intervention or classical management principles of planning, decision making, execution and control. Last but not least, include any knowledge of the ego, social skills and methods which, what is taught today as 'Leadership' and developed.

usually occurs after a range of solutions to, from which the client feels his own version and selects what he can win but also a wide spectral proficiency, which granted new combinations as possible solutions. optimize

own life as HB-Embossed seems to me to, his fellow men, the difference between 'normal' and 'gifted' to shape with a bridge harmonic functions. This succeeds the highly gifted to adjust each situation and to 'add' again or deliver to another time own approaches so that others will not like this same overrun. Moreover, relationship-wise, I would think the gifted and sensitive people are wonderful seducer travelers, love letter writers travelers, lovers of. Highly talented people I experience, my personal feeling, "life-oriented values," which is more 'being', which can stand the 'haves' and all its Sammlerei, Horterei and Verteidigerei over.

as I go in my club, I 'moderating' me still in the parking lot. I love this club. I sit mostly to other colorful people I care for and otherwise active listening. I ask for, I get plenty of information. I would like to make a suggestion, 'deliver' I '1 "(not 32!) - Which may sound now as it wants ... it does allow both sides the way to coexistence and that is my opinion the best optimization, I observed the could. Last but not least, I won that one not to be underestimated, new encouragement from the normal people. You would like a new idea - but only one, please ... (laughs)!

Such moderated managing their own gas pedal and let me bring the clients the horsepower to the ground. And the sheer power that it is worth is to recognize and promote.

One thing is important to me: there I do not think HB-related lifestyle. That would stigmatize me the appearance too hard. There is a way of life that simply accumulates all the people in the native environment. Also as HB or HS embossed man I have seen my conditioning and upbringing, I have to deal with my stage of life, I have to recognize the self-responsibility and to develop myself as a person. Only an occasional slip-I skills can the makings of an authentic social skills. This is now so widespread that, according to this principle, thousands of managers in the art form of 'Leadership' afterwards. I-competence is the need for training and its objectives at the top. It's possible that I have 30 years with my studies and my MBA in his pocket. This does not mean that I would by myself or the others a good idea.

I have coined the phrase: It may be that someone is educated - that does not mean that it would be so well developed already.

giftedness world in the development of coaching courses, there are always ups and downs. What was the highlight of your memory? How did you experience this when it went particularly well?

Jonah Jacob As there are many wonderful experiences. The best stories are those where the order issuing person can take into their own hands and it only now and then tells how and where it is on the way - except perhaps to ask if such and such reflection can be viewed either way could. Such customers, whether with 22 or 55 years, whether as a graduate student or entrepreneur, mother and daughter or just employees, the view won on themselves and also know when they would like to re-look at a question with me. They go their way to achieving their goals to win, in personality and happy satisfaction and are never too bad for a recognition was demanded to look it suppose to be working on it. You maintain one's own as the care of their own health. Are they gifted or highly sensitive person myself, I feel something, as if these people 'ambassadors of giftedness or high sensitivity' are.

giftedness world And as it looked for you, as it sometimes does not work out as hoped?

Jonah Jacob (Laughs) Since I'm very close to the presentation by Andrea Brackmann in the book "Beyond the Norm - highly gifted and highly sensitive ". It happened to me twice that my action could be straining relations, both times for the same thing, but with two different clients. I have learned a lot.

example, it is then difficult and, so to speak 'tearing off' if I lose my authenticity. If I digress, thins my empathy, if I intellectually can not compete (as does my wrench any more, because maybe too demanding, too strange or far). Or if pay my actions suspect may be that I shared the money is not important enough to take it.

It is hardly possible HBs or HSPs consciences. Which is for more care if the shoes are not quite spotless times or whatever does not announce itself so perfectly styled. But in the attitude, perception, attention, and the empathy they call the whole thing - so when ever I maneuvered myself, I promptly received the distance.

As Andrea Brackmann it also describes, there were moments where I got the impression I was under consideration by clients. may be there's only naked authenticity, no matter how faltering even once as a coach - also helps, since no "phony, pretending bluffing '. However, as shown in the book, the ratio for such initial compacted 'Breaks' and it is possible to work together.

giftedness World: From what dreams a gifted coach? You once wrote: a sailing trip in the Lake District sheep Müritz, near Berlin, or the world can give literature and a rascal to be - there is a new vision?

Jonah Jacob At this point, I would first like to thank those people who let me be. Since there are two Swiss coach. But specifically: lots of power and self confidence that I live today, I owe a special mentor in here Frankfurt. Through them, I managed to find me by beating me and therefore be able to. I would bind her to this point a special bouquet of flowers and "thank you!" . Say

My dream would be today, Shipp with a cargo ship from my current living place on the Main to Romania, an empathic journey in which I "go to the villages" in the sense of a line of verse by Peter Handke, ... a to write book. I am drawn into this near-Eastern countries, an understanding that I think it will bear in myself already.

newly gained knowledge in mature then me, on my own find to be a quality that can reach the people of their conditioning of Education (dualism) in the self-responsibility and personal emancipation and self-esteem.

My vision is to attain an attitude with which people find their way, 'Security' and not to be 'somebody'.

giftedness world If the famous fairy would - you had three wishes, what would it be for you personally?

Jonah Jacob New Year's Eve from 1980 to 1981 I wrote my father a letter with these words ends:

Search the freedom canst so hard you, but you'll free you never have a dull longing for a deep love. For without love this world is a dead world. And there will always be hours, because you are the prisons of the work and courage are tired and asks you for the face of a man and a magical tenderness of heart. (HW Klaus Jacob, 1980-81)

So my answer would be: "The Fairy ..." (Laughs)

giftedness world And what you wish for the world of the gifted?

Jonah Jacob For the world of gifted and highly sensitive, I hope to see these people the happiness in their lives as often as possible to experience moments in which it from another person entirely even be seen, collected, can be felt and understood. Only a man can do it all over themselves to be themselves.

Extend your right hand perpendicular to each other with their fingers in the air. Each finger can be understood by the other fingers straight times as much; be felt and heated as it can cover the other fingers. The middle finger has to some extent but not others, is able to capture this piece. This piece is missing from birth, neither seen nor felt, nor perceived or accepted.

Now put your left hand flat on the open right hand, so that cover the two middle fingers - and discover for themselves what to believe how the middle finger feels now?

this I would like for people who are inherently different from the others, many encounters with their peers, because the soul can let yourself go then, or turn over without getting lost.

This applies to HBs and HSPs, but so many other people that stand out with their own unique way from the wholesale center. Own, unique, wonderful and adopted.

Thank you.

Interview with Jonah Jacob led Lilli Cremer-old currency for the world's giftedness.

coaching practice Zurich
Jona Jakob
blades Strasse 40 CH-8005 Zurich

coaching practice Frankfurt
Jona Jakob
Mainzer Landstr. 90
D-60327 Frankfurt

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+49 6182 640 92 78